How to Make Better Coffee at Home

I'd happily go out of my way to make a coffee at home as opposed to going out and buying one. This is for the simple reason that I'm always left disappointed when I do, even if it's been ordered from Starbucks or another chain coffee shop. 

Even some independent cafes serve up weak or milky coffee with little taste of substance. So to avoid that, I decided that I'd make more of an effort to up my coffee game at home, because then I've made it how I like it. Seeing as I feel as though I have it down to a T, I thought I'd share with you how I make excellent coffee at home.

Go for whole beans

Whole beans back a lot more flavour than ground coffee or coffee granules. If you have nothing to ground your coffee beans at home, you can buy machines really cheaply that'll grind the beans for you at the coarseness you want.

Failing that, you could always go into places like Whittards, choose the beans of your choice, and they'll freshly grind them for you right then and there. Whole beans will taste better and fresher than other alternatives - trust me.

Use just the right amount of coffee 

If you have a bean-to-cup coffee machine, then it will grind just the right amount of coffee you need for the perfect cup. If you're making your coffee via other means, then make sure you read the instructions on the packet as to how many grams of beans you need or how many scoops of ground coffee you should use. 

Alternatively, you might just have to rely on a bit of trial and error and see what tastes good to you and what doesn't, especially if you're new to this game. If you don't use enough, the coffee will be weak and flavourless, but if you use too much, it'll be overly-strong and treacle-ey. It's a fine balance, but you'll get there after a bit of practice.

Grind at the right coarseness

Depending on the type of coffee you want or the flavour you'd like to get out of the beans themselves, make sure you're grinding your beans at the right coarseness. It will also change the amount of water that passes through the coffee, which can affect how long you're waiting for your coffee to brew.

However, this is the same for bean-to-cup coffee machines. On ours, there's a dial in the bean container that you turn to get the right coarseness. Considered one of the most important steps in the coffee making process, look to a medium-fine grind. 

Use filtered water

The last thing you want to do is taste chlorine in your cup of coffee. Use filtered water so that it doesn't have any taste at all. This will then help you to experience the actual flavour of the coffee as opposed to what the water tastes like that you've used to make it in the first place. 

Pre-heat your mug

This will help to keep your drink hotter for longer. This way, you'll be able to experience the wonderful taste of your coffee over a longer period of time - perfect for if you're drinking a coffee while working or doing other things, like cleaning, sorting out the kids or running errands online, such as online banking or other jobs.


I hope you enjoyed this blog post? Let me know in the comments below what you do at home to make a first-class cup of coffee and I'll see you again very soon with a brand new blog post :)






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