The Throwback Tag

I'm back with another tag post for you all, I hope you enjoy it, you may also find out a little more about me :) By the way, I forgot to say in my last post, I hope you had a lovely Valentines day, whether you spent it with friends or a significant other, I am a single lady, but my mum bought me some daffodils for Valentines day. I was born on the first day of spring, and daffs remind her of me, how sweet is that? :)

1. What year were you born in?
I was born on 21st March 1995.

2. Any pictures of your younger self?

9 month old me: 
(December 1995)

6 year old me:
(December 2001)

8 year old me:
(June 2003)

3. What TV shows did you grow up with?
There were so many, so let me list them for you:

-Tots TV
-Funny Bones
-Rosie and Jim
-Sabrina the Teenage Witch
-Art Attack
-Worst Witch
-Grange Hill
-Power Puff Girls
-Power Rangers
-Pinky and the Brain
-The Queen's Nose
-Bear in the Big Blue House
-Postman Pat
-Fireman Sam
-Count Duckula
-Rolie Polie Olie 
-The Wild Thornberries
-The Story of Tracy Beaker
-Lizze McGuire
-That's So Raven
-Even Stevens
-Rupert the Bear

They're all I can remember off the top of my head, although I'm sure there are probably loads more I used watch :) 

4. What did you want to be when you grew up? Do you still want to do it now?
I always wanted to be a vet, however, I didn't have the brains required for such a profession :( However, having grown up and thought about it a little more, there is so much more to being a Vet than my 7 year old self thought. I don't think I could put an animal to sleep, even if it was for it's own good. I'm also pretty squeamish and wouldn't be able to perform and operation, but if I was being trained in the occupation, I don't think I'd feel the same way as it would be something you'd have practiced and probably be used to.

5. Show a video of yourself when you were younger
All the videos I have are on VHS and I am not going to get them converted anytime soon, even though I probably should because the longer you leave them, the harder it will be to convert them in the future, but if I do get them converted, I may show you  video one day :)

6. What were your favourite toys to play with?
I remember being obsessed with a Rubik Cube for a really long time, but I can't remember any toys from when I was really young, although I wanted a Baby Born for ages as I do believe it came out before Baby Annabelle because my Baby Born wasn't battery operated, but I believe Baby Annabelle was? When I was a bit older, I became engrossed in playing with a 'BopIt'. It was actually my brother's (who is 2 years younger than me), but he wasn't bothered by it so I adopted it into my toy collection. 

Because I have a younger brother, we would play with things like Lego, K'Nex and Magnetix. He was also the one who got me hooked on playing Pokemon. We also had a Play Station 1 and an Eye Toy to go with it (an early edition of a Wii or an X Box Kinect). 

7. What's the most embarrassing thing you can remember doing?
I remember being sick all over the rug during 'Carpet Time' in primary school I was in year 2 and it was pretty horrific from what I can remember xD

8. Read something you wrote when you were in Kindergarten 
I take it 'Kindergarten' means 'Reception', however as much as I'd like to quote you something from an old school book dated back to 1999 (when I started Primary School), I don't have anything to hand, all that stuff is in the loft and ladders scare me xD   

9. Three songs you used to listen to as a child?
I can't pick just three songs, so instead I will give you a short run through of groups/people I used to listen to :)

-Liberty X
-S Club 7
-Avril Lavigne
-Craig David 
-Natasha Bedingfield 
-Gareth Gates

10. What did you dress up as for Halloween as a child?
Having grown up watching 'Worst Witch' and 'Sabrina the Teenage Witch' I obviously went dressed as a witch ;) 

11. Tell a funny story from your childhood
I don't actually remember this but my mum brings it up a lot to embarrass me xD Basically when I was 2, my parents had just potty trained me, my brother had just been born and my parents and I went to a car boot sale, and I must have needed a wee because I spotted a potty for sale on the stall next door, went over to it and did a wee in parents were going to buy it (obviously) until the lady on the stall said they could have it for free as she was so impressed by how well trained I was. How funny xD 

12. Are there any special things you've kept from when you were a child?
I haven't personally, but my Mum has kept things like knitted booties, my first pair of shoes etc. But I have these hand prints from when I was around 3 years old and I think it's really cute :)

13. Was there anything weird you used to do as a child?
I don't think I did anything other children didn't do, just the obvious writing on the walls etc, but I do remember sitting in the garden in the Summer when I was around 6 years old, in a vest and pants trying to eat some grass, but I only ever did that once, probably because it wasn't very nice xD 

14. Was there anything scary that happened to you as a child?
Nothing serious, but I do remember having a fear of swimming on my back because I was convinced the ceiling would fall down on top of me. But the only scary thing that actually happened was losing my Mum and Dad in Skegness, but I was with my Brother so it could have been worse! Obviously, I found them xD

15. How do you see the world now compared to when you were little?
It's a much scarier place now, you're much more aware of things, when I was little I never used to watch the news so I didn't have a very good grasp on the real world, but now, I don't want to miss it, and I have even gone as far as to download the BBC News app on my phone. I'm more concerned about politics and what the future holds than being worried about terrorism or muggings etc. It's not so much that the world is a scarier place, it's stayed the same, but I have just become more aware. 

But having said that, the world has so much more to offer me, as well as it being a bit of a scary place, it's also a beautiful, wonderful place, I have become more aware of the positive things that happen, I can also see the good in people a lot more, I'm more appreciative of people, whether I know them or not. It could be something small like holding a door open for me or giving a homeless person a hot meal and a cup of tea, I see those things now I'm older, but I couldn't see that when I was little. 

When I was younger, I didn't ever think I was going to grow up, I thought I was going to be young for ever, I could never imagine myself as being 16 or 18 or 20, but its an inevitable part of growing up, it still hasn't hit home yet that I soon won't even be a teenager anymore, I will be in my 20s, just typing that out feels strange. But I'm looking forward to it, it's very exciting and I can't wait to see what the future holds :) 

-Do you have a blog? 
-If so, give this tag a try, I would love to read it :) 



I have not been paid or sponsored to write this specific blog post. All views and opinions are my own. I am not affiliated with any companies that may be mentioned in this blog post. All photographic content is my own. No Copyright infringement intended.


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