5 Ways To De-stress Your Life

 DISCLAIMER: This isn't a post about anxiety or panic attacks or anything of that nature, I do not claim to be an expert, I am just going on my life experiences. I am not trying to make light of the subject either. Should stress or depression be something you're extremely concerned about, then I suggest seeking professional advice.

Stress...it affects everyone and sadly, there's no real way of escaping it or preventing it from happening. We're all human and we shouldn't feel ashamed to admit that, if we are stressed out about something, we're finding it difficult to cope. I'm not pretending my life is perfect, if I was, I wouldn't be writing this post, but I know from my demographics that the majority of my Blogger audience are teenagers and I know how difficult it can be, especially if you're studying for GCSEs or A Levels, or even if you're in your first, second, third year of uni. I'm going to be 20 next month, therefore I feel I have learnt a thing or two about coping with the stresses of life. 

I'm not an expert and we'll have have those times where all we want to do is sit and cry, because believe me, I was in that place not too long ago and it sucks big time. But over the years, I have developed a few coping strategies (that won't keep stress away forever, but it will help prevent it creeping in for a while) that help me deal with it. 

Lets begin :)

1. Be Active

In order for you to try and combat stress, your mental state needs to be as strong as possible, exercise helps to enhance this further. I find exercise helps to clear my head, especially if I nip to the gym or go running on my own, it gives me time with my own thoughts, and often, many solutions to my problems are thought of whilst on the cross trainer or walking the dog!

But remember to get enough sleep, young adults require around 8-10 hours of sleep a day, try and make that a goal, your sleeping pattern needs to be in check by the time exam season roles around (that's if you have the unfortunate task of sitting them...like me!).

2. Take Control

This may sound a bit strange, but if you're stressed out about something, you more than likely feel a little bit powerless, almost like you can't catch up with the world and you see no way of getting back on that train, but there are little things you can do that will help you gain back control of your life and everyday activities. 
This may apply a little more to those studying for exams or have dragging coursework deadlines to meet. I found it useful to buy a pocket diary, one which was colourful and not boring, with a week spread out across two pages. it sounds silly but something as small as a weekly planner can help to motivate you. You don't have to get a diary either, you could even get a calendar and put small reminders for the week on it. These things help to get your life in order, life should feel less messy, you should finally feel like you have some order in your life again. 

Time management is a key part of keeping stress at bay, leave plenty of time to do things, if like me, you leave everything to the last minute, try not to, I'm making a conscious effort to do this myself as I know it just adds to the stresses of life. Don't try and do too much at once, if you do, there's a danger you may feel suffocated, adding pressure and therefore stress that you don't need or could have been prevented. Trust me, your future self will thank you. 

3. Have a Social Life

It's important that you spend time with friends and family as they're the most important people in your life. My friends help keep me grounded, motivated and happy, as does my family, but friends have a way of putting everything into perspective for you. When I feel stressed, I go for coffee with a friend, that friend will always help me see how far I have come and not to give up now, because that would be stupid. 

Not that my family doesn't say the same, but your friends can always make it hit home a little harder, well, my friends do anyway, and to be honest, that's the best way to get something across, to be blunt, its called tough love, sometimes you need someone to tell it how it is. I  am so very lucky to have the friends I have. I am also incredibly lucky to have a family that I love and who loves me. They've all helped shape me into the person I am today and for that I will be forever grateful.

4. Take Some Time For Yourself

Contradictory to my last point, you need to take time to relax and be with your own thoughts. I often find having a pamper session once or twice a week helps, or even just to lie in bed with a good book or a magazine. Try and have a couple of hours where you don't use any electronic devices. Put down your phone, your laptop, your tablet and have a rest, have a short nap or go and sit in the park and eat your lunch. It all helps to cleanse the mind and keep you focused. 

5. Stay Positive

There's no point filling your head with pessimistic thoughts because then your entire mindset will be negative and you don't need that, try and find a silver lining in everything negative that happens, especially if it's something you can do nothing about. Don't think about it too much either, worrying never did anyone any good, eventually, it will drive you mad. Stay optimistic, fill your head with "I can"s instead of "I can't"s. Believe in yourself, you can do anything you set your mind to. Think of the end result and those cheering for you. It'll all be worth it in the end guys, I promise you :)


Thanks for stopping by, I hope you feel a little better no, or at least a lot more positive about things. I will see you again soon with a brand new blog post for you all, until then guys X. 


I have not been paid or sponsored to write this specific blog post. All views and opinions are my own. I am not affiliated with any companies that may be mentioned in this blog post. Photographic content has been duplicated from Pinterest. No Copyright infringement intended.
