'Fifty Shades of Grey' | The Review

DISCLAIMER: I have kept this post as clean as humanly possible so it is suitable for all. There are no spoilers. Please note, I mean no offense and have not read the books, if you have a different or opposing opinions about the film, keep it clean and don't be mean (I will delete those comments should you leave any that fit that description).

If you haven't read the disclaimer above, I ask that you do before proceeding to read this post. If you have, then great. I was very nervous about publishing this post for obvious reasons however, I just thought 'why not' and decided to run with the idea. 

I, like millions of others last week, booked my seat for the most controversial film of the decade, 'Fifty Shades of Grey'. I haven't read the book and so I cannot make any comparisons in this regard, however my friend (who accompanied me to see the film) has and loves them. According to her, critics weren't fair to Jamie Dornan (who played Christian Grey) in the sense that his acting was emotionless, in the book, that's exactly how he is supposed to be (apparently). But everyone will have different interpretations of the book, so try to stay open minded :) 

The film wasn't bad, there were moments where I wasn't sure if a scene was supposed to be funny or not which was a little awkward to watch, however it isn't the worst film I have ever seen, I didn't come out of the cinema thinking I had wasted my money, I'm glad I've seen it to be honest.

To those of you on the fence about watching the film, maybe you're concerned it'll be more like a 'adult film' if you get my drift. It actually isn't packed with lots of scenes of a sexual nature, there are probably two or three 'love' scenes if that. Nudity is involved, not too much, but a a little more than your average film, so if that sort of thing offends you, don't watch it (obviously). 

There is a reason why it's an 18 certificate, and even if you haven't read the book, you should at least have a grasp on what it's about (unless you have been living under a rock for about 18 months). If you don't,  have a read of a synopsis, I would tell you here, but I can't go into a lot of detail as I want to keep this post as clean as possible. The film contains scenes of an adult nature only about a fifth of the time, the director has done the right thing by keeping the 'love scenes' to a minimum. It is clear that the story is focused more on their love and their life before they had met each other than anything else. It's refreshing to see a media text that doesn't unnecessarily use adult themes to fill up the running time (which is odd seeing as we're talking about FSOG).

I hope this has been a tiny bit useful at least. If you can still see the film in the cinema and it sounds good to you, give it a watch. Just don't watch it with your mum or dad xD 

That's it from me for today, I will see you again soon with a brand new post :) 
-Have you seen FSOG?
-What did you think?



I have not been paid or sponsored to write this specific blog post. All views and opinions are my own. I am not affiliated with any companies that may be mentioned in this blog post. All photographic content is my own. No Copyright infringement intended.


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