My First Year at University: A Reflection

How have I finished my first year at university already? It only seems like yesterday when I was telling you all I had just moved in. I wanted to write this blog post, not only to signify the end of a chapter in my life, but also just to reflect on the last few months. If you're due to start uni this September, you may find this a comfort if you're a bit nervous. You can take what you like from this, but either way, I hope you enjoy it :)

I have fantastic friends, I did before I started uni, and I've made a few more. That is probably one of the things I'm most grateful for. I started university at 20 years old, I don't think I could have done it at 18 like most teenagers. But all the lovely people I've met over the past few months were all in the same boat as me, and I feel so grateful to have met them at a time in my life where I felt at my most vulnerable. I'm glad I started when I did, because if I had started two years earlier, I wouldn't have met any of them.

I say it was a vulnerable time for me, not in a negative way, but if you've ever lived away from home, you'll know exactly what I mean. It was the first time I'd really lived away from home. So it was an emotional time, I was thrown into a whole new, big situation on my own and I felt exposed. But that feeling only lasted for about a week. If you're due to leave for uni in September, don't let homesickness put you off. You may well feel a bit sad for leaving your family. Nothing helps it sink in more than when you're all moved in and your family drive off and leave you there, all on your lonesome. But that feeling won't last long I promise, so stick at it, go out, meet people, you'll soon feel comfortable where you are, and you'll feel much happier in such a short space of time.

I think that has had many benefits for me. I feel a lot more independent. I do my own food shopping, I work part time, I have a great social life, I met all my deadlines in good time, I was on top of all my work. At times, I did feel a little over whelmed, but I didn't get that very often. This year, I got the train on my own for the very first time. A couple of years ago I never would have had the confidence to do that, but I did, and do so often.

My friends and I already have a house to share for next year which I'm very pleased about. Again, it's something I did on my own, I paid the reservation fee and the deposit myself, my parents didn't even known I was doing it until I told them one day I have a house set up. We did that before Christmas so well in advance basically. If you're reading this and you're going to uni soon, my advice to you would be get set with a house as soon as possible. Before Christmas isn't too soon trust me. Everyone starts looking for houses really early. You don't want to be left with a run down house lacking in security in an area you've never heard of 100 miles away from the university campus. Plus, the prices may go up after a certain amount of time, as landlords will have you in a corner. So please, make friends, and set up a house with people you're comfortable with. You don't want that hanging over you over the Summer!

Also, when you start university, they dedicate an afternoon to advertising different clubs you can join. I joined two when I started, I write for the university blog, and I'm also part of the Triathlon team. Joining different societies is a fantastic way of making new friends, and getting yourself out there. It doesn't matter what you're interested in, there will be a society for it, so go to those afternoons, you can even look up the different societies a university offers on the Internet before you even attend. As a result of joining the Triathlon team, I have noticed a massive difference in my physical fitness. When I first joined, I lost 6lbs in no time at all. I am able to do a lot more, and for much longer, especially when it comes to the gym, spinning and running. Basically, I'm much, much fitter than I was before I started university! The Tri team helps when it comes to physical fitness, and weight loss. It also helps with stress, especially if I'm feeling down about a certain assignment. It has been scientifically proven that exercise helps relieve and de-stress the mind and it really does.

I would join a sports society if you're going to be a fresher in September. It will help you in more ways than you think it will. It's also great for your social life :)

I turned 21 during my first year of university. After spending months with the same people, a lot of guys and gals I know from uni are aware of the fact I'm 21. But pretty much everyone else my age have actually completed their degrees. I used to be embarrassed about that. But if, like me, you're starting university a couple of years later than everyone else, don't worry about it. You're all in the same boat. Pretty much all of my friends from uni are a couple of years younger than me, but I don't see them as younger, in my head, we're all the same age. It really doesn't matter how old you are when you start, so if you're worried about that, don't let it get you down. With respect, no one really cares about how old everyone is. Just enjoy your university experience. You'll only ever have one of those.

So that's basically everything I have to say about my first year at university. Next year, I'll do another one of these reflecting on my second year. But until then, I hope that if you're leaving for uni in September, your first year at university is as good and as rewarding as my first year was. I wish you all the luck in the world on your new adventures, and I also wish you luck with results and UCAS :)

I will see you next time with a brand new blog post for you! Until then guys!





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