How to Follow Up On An Email Without Being a Pest

Most jobs these days require us to send and receive emails. Even if yours doesn't, I'm sure there have been instances in your personal life where you've had to send a few emails every now and again. So we all know the frustration felt when someone doesn't reply to your email for a time. If you haven't had a response from the recipient for a while and you'd like an update, then here are a few ways in which you can follow up on an email without being a pest.

Always make sure it's friendly & polite

You don't want to rub someone up the wrong way before you've even started. Make sure your email has a friendly, understanding and polite tone to it from the offset. This is especially important if you're wanting to resolve an issue you have. Give them a gentle reminder that it's been a while since you last spoke and you were wondering if you could receive an update.

Give it enough time before sending a follow-up email

Only leaving it one or days before sending a follow-up email is a bit too hasty. I like to wait one working week, personally, because I think this is enough time in which to receive and reply to my email. After that time, if I haven't heard anything, I'll send a follow-up email just to first check if they got it and second if they've had a chance to action any points.

Make sure it's brief & to the point

It's important that you don't ramble. That was the job of your first email. If you want to follow up on it, keep the second email to the point and short to read. If it's concise enough, it limits confusion and it also helps to make sure that it's kept to a minimal amount of correspondence before the job is done.


I hope you enjoyed this brief-yet-effective blog post about following up on emails. It can be a difficult thing to tackle, but once you have the technique down, you'll be a dab hand. I'll see you again very soon with a brand new blog post :)




