3 Tips for Surviving Hayfever Season

It's quickly coming up to the warmer weather and, often, that brings with it the perfect storm for triggering hay fever in sufferers. As someone who suffers from it, although mildly, myself, I though I'd write a blog post explaining what I like to do hen my hay fever symptoms hit. I hope you find it useful :)

Defend against it 

There are treatments available for people to defend against hay fever before it erupts. You should take an antihistamine as soon as your symptoms start or even at the start of the day if you know that you're going to develop symptoms later. Essentially, they block the action of histamines, as the name would suggest. Where it might not eliminate symptoms completely, it'll definitely help to take the edge off them, especially if you get hay fever particularly badly.

Relieve your symptoms best you can

Once your symptoms start, it can be difficult to relieve them, even with over-the-counter medication. Antihistamines are certainly a good place to start, but if you're still struggling, then nasal sprays can help with inflammation and stuffiness, allowing you to resume life as normal without feeling groggy and bunged up.

Things you can do to minimise your hay fever symptoms

There are loads of other things you can do relieve your hay fever symptoms and it doesn't just involve taking antihistamines and other medicated remedies. Some of the things you can do, that are actually quite simple, includes the following:
  • Removing and washing outer clothing
  • Having showers whereby you wash you hair to mitigate pollen exposure
  • Vacuum your home regularly as pollen can drift in through open windows, for example
  • Avoiding having flowers in the home
  • Don't dry your clothes outdoors
  • Don't walk in grassy areas, particularly in the early morning and the early evening
  • Look at the weather forecast and the predicted pollen count
  • Have pollen filters installed in your car
  • Drive with the windows closed
  • Consider wearing wrap-around sunglasses


I hope you found this blog post useful. Let me know if you suffer with hay fever and what you like to do to relieve your symptoms and if you have any other tips for fellow sufferers. I'll see you again soon with another blog post :)






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