How to Look After Your Lips in Cold Weather

Lips can be very temperamental. This is because the skin on your lips is very sensitive, yet it's always exposed to the elements. This is why cold weather can have a detrimental effect on the condition of your lips. I myself have issues with my lips when the weather turns, which is why I thought I'd tell you what I do to take better care of my lips when the cold weather strikes. Here's how to look after your lips in the winter:

Use lip balm regularly

You should be re-hydrating your lips as and when needed. If they feel chapped, dry and sore, then use a lip balm that is natural and scent-free. You want something as gentle as possible, especially if they're a bit cracked and damaged.

Try a lip balm with SPF

While we're not in the summertime yet, unfortunately, the sun still comes out, some days. Even when it's not out, there is UV being emitted through the colds. As such, something to protect the sensitive skin on your lips would be an SPF lip balm. You can buy these from places like Boots and even your local supermarket. I like the one from Neutrogena (pictured).

Stay hydrated

It might sound silly, but if you're dehydrated, this will be evident through your lips, if nowhere else. Your lips need to stay hydrated, and one way they retain moisture is through the amount of fluid you're drinking each day. If you're wanting to make sure you're lips are moist and healthy, then a sure way is to make sure you're drinking enough water every day.

Don't lick or pick at your lips

As tempting as it might be, you need to leave your damaged lips alone. You might want to rip off some skin or pick at a dry spot to get rid of it, but you're actually making things worse. You'll irritate the lips, as well as introduce bacteria to the area that wasn't there before. Just leave your lips alone and let the lip balm do the work. Also, drink plenty - just don't pick at them.


I hope you enjoyed this blog post and that you found it useful? Let me know in the comments if you have any other advice for those wanting to take good care of their lips this winter and I will see you all again very soon with some brand new content!




