Our Bonfire Party & Firework Display

On Saturday, we had our annual family firework display for Bonfire Night or Guy Fawkes Night as others like to call it. Basically, it's a way for us British to celebrate the fact that Guy Fawkes failed to blow up the Houses of Parliament, so yippee for that right? xD.
It was a very intimate affair, with my family and our close family friends, we lit a bonfire, roasted marshmallows, ate stew and other party food, drank beer and wine, and watched the fireworks, we had a fantastic time, it was very relaxing, but extremely fun. So, I thought I'd share the night with you. I hope you enjoy :)
So our 'nibbles' consisted of cheese and chilly heat wave Doritos, plain tortilla chips, Kettle's sea salt, cheddar & Chive and sea salt & vinegar crisps, rice crispy bite size square, bite size brownie, vegetable and duck spring roll and fun size sausage rolls (which were actually in the oven at the point of taking this photo). I later put some dips out for the crisps with some breadsticks and massive marshmallows which we got from Tesco, which were for roasting on the bonfire :)
These are just a few of the fireworks we let off last night xD We also had loads of sparklers :)

I'm sorry about the poor level of accuracy in these photos, but I was looking through a lens and the fireworks were going off so quickly it was difficult to get good shots, but these are the ones I captured, there are a few more on the memory card but they're not the best, so I didn't want to bore you with those ones xD Anyway, I really hope you enjoyed these photos and I will see you again on Wednesday with another post for you all.

-What did you do this bonfire night?
-Did you do something at home or go out for the evening?
-Do you even celebrate it at all?

Let me know in the comments :)


PREVIOUS BLOG POST: 'Lancome Bits & Pieces'


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