Signs You've Found the Right Hair Stylist for You

I'm one of those people who will always go to the same hairdresser. No matter where I'm living, what I'm doing or how much it costs, I will not deviate, and for good reason - my hairdresser is fabulous! I remember the first time I had my hair cut there, and I left the salon thinking, 'yes, this is the one'. I knew from that day on that I wouldn't need anyone cut my hair!

For the past 10 years I have been going to the same place, and they get it right every single time. Having found the perfect hair stylist for me, I thought I'd share with you the signs for recognising the one!

1. They listen to you!
2. They give you a mini consultation beforehand - my stylist will sit with me over a coffee to discuss what I'd like to have done. It makes me feel completely at ease and makes such a difference to my overall experience!
3. You're excited to FINALLY go
4. You don't have to keep making small talk
5. They know your style
6. They never judge
7. You can talk about Love Island!
8. They know your life story...and you know theirs


How do you know that you've found the right hair stylist for you? Let me know in the comments below and come and add to my list! I will see you again soon in a few days :)






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