Christmas Panto at the Nottingham Playhouse: Cinderella

It's that time of year again when you get your obligatory pantomime blog post. As you can see, this year it was Cinderella and it was just as brilliant as previous years. The Dame this year was in fact one of the ugly step sisters, with another fella on stage playing the other ugly step sister. 

We think they were setting him up ready to take over from the roll of the Dame, which would be really sad because John Elkington, who has played the Dame for, roughly, the last 15 years or so, does a fantastic job, even when it comes to ad-libbing. 

He has you howling in your seat even when it's not scripted. But the Dame aside, or the ugly step sister in this case, the entire casting was brilliant. However, if you're looking for a modern end to the Cinderella story, you'd be disappointed. It's a traditional take on the classic panto, but with a small modern twist on the end, which may suffice for a contemporary audience. 

Personally, I loved the entire thing, from start to finish. It didn't even occur to me initially that there could have been a more modern spin on it, because it was a story I have forever been familiar with. However, it's a panto. It's meant to be tongue-in-cheek and just act as a bit of fun for the children at Christmas time. 

Despite what some people might think to the ending, although I thought it was more than alright, the entire performance was an absolute scream. The music was amazing and the singing was also impressive, from the entire cast, to be fair. 

They had the typical roles where a man was dressed as a woman and a woman who was dressed as a man, whilst still having your typical prince and princess at the heart of the story. There were even some woodland creatures that made an appearance in the forest as well as a Fairy Godmother that worked wonders with her magic wand. 

Also, the special effects were incredible in comparison to other pantos we've been to a The Playhouse. I have been going there since the 90's, when I was a child, and they were so basic in comparison to now. Which is probably why I was blown away by the special effects, which is difficult when it comes to stage productions. 

No matter what, though, you should definitely take your family to see Cinderella at The Nottingham Playhouse this Christmas. It runs until the beginning of January, so you have plenty of time to get your tickets to the best pantomime in Nottingham. I will leave a link below to where you can purchase your tickets :)

Book Your Panto Tickets Here!


I hope you enjoyed this blog post? Let me know in the comments below whether I've managed to convince you to go and see the panto at The Nottingham Playhouse and I'll see you again very soon with a brand new blog post :)






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