6 Reasons Why You Should Start a Blog Right Now!

Blogging can give people immense satisfaction, whether they've written a helpful post which has attracted tonnes of traffic, or documented an important event in their life that can be looked back on in years to come, it's a wonderful thing to do and an even more wonderful thing to start blogging in the first place. If you still need convincing, then here are six solid reasons why you should start a blog this spring!

It doesn't cost a penny

Many blogging platforms are free, even WordPress is, to an extent. Blogger is usually what many of us start out on, and I have never really deviated from that - despite having blogged about this and that for nearly eight years now. For many, Blogger suits us just fine, and there are loads of templates you can buy at a really cheap price to update your blog, should WordPress not be right for you.

I personally think that the user interface on Blogger is so much easier to navigate around and make sense of in comparison to WordPress. So, if you're going to start up, do it on Blogger first and you'll see that a great blog can come without spending a single penny!

You have the freedom to be creative

Creativity flows naturally for a lot of bloggers, and what's more, you don't even have to write anything down if you don't want to. I know many people who use their blogs simply to display their photos or paintings, or as a way to sell birthday cards or postcards.

It's a common misconception that you have to be good at writing in order to get something good out of the blogging world, but this simply isn't true. Creativity flows in many different ways, so whether you're great at taking fantastic photographs or wish to express yourself through words, blogging will give you a platform to display your creativity.

You'll get to meet new people

Believe it or not, there's a whole community out there who love blogging as much as you (eventually) will and they're all there as a supportive network. Not only will they encourage and inspire the content your create, but they'll also play a very important role in sharing it with the world. The more blogging friends you make the better, as you can support each other.

Remember, it's a two way street - every blogger takes the time and effort out to produce content they're proud of and that's something which should be celebrated, whether it's your blog post or someone else's

It can enhance your CV

I added my blogging experience to my CV under 'Hobbies'. I'm now a Copywriter, but I was asked about my blog in interview and I've never been more happy or comfortable to discuss it with my employers. What's more, it can be found easily with a simple Google, adding authenticity to your CV and subsequent interviews should they ask you about it. It shows that creativity comes naturally to you, making you seem more genuine should it be checked up on in the future.

With this in mind, it's important that you're not blogging about things which are inappropriate or too personal. Be careful about what it is you're documenting as well, so don't put pictures of your latest underwear photo shoot on your blog if you're planning to add it to the CV, as this isn't very appropriate...unless you're applying to be an underwear model or photographer, obviously!

There's no limit on what you can share (within reason)

There really is no limit, unless you're planning to add it to the CV, of course (a point I've already touched upon). But in all seriousness, there's no cap on your creativity when it comes to blogging, so go crazy - within reason, of course!

There are even some people who use their blog to showcase poetry or short stories they've written, so it doesn't all have to be non-fiction or filled to the brim with photographs you've taken - it really is completely up to you. From the content you post to the design of your blog, let your imagination run wild :)

You could earn money or receive free products

Although it can take a fair bit of time to work up to this point, it's a perk of the job for sure! I've been blogging for eight years now and I was given free bits and pieces and asked to write reviews for restaurants and cafes probably around four years in, so it's not an overnight thing. But if you're looking to make blogging a long term commitment, then this is definitely something you can work towards!


I hope you enjoyed this blog post! Let me know why you started blogging and I'll see you very soon with a brand new blog post for you!






  1. I had wanted to start a blog for years but kept on putting it off. Finally, a few weeks ago, I launched my blog and I'm so glad I did!!

    Roni ♥


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