5 Reasons Why You Should Start Making Your Hot Drinks at Home

Ever since I was gifted my bean-to-cup coffee machine, it's very rare that I'll religiously go and spend money in an actual coffee shop, and for good reason. I've realised that there are actually wayyyy more advantages to making my hot drinks at home as opposed to going out and buying one. Once you've got all the supplies, like the coffee beans, syrups, hot chocolate powders etc, you're pretty much good to go! So, here's why you should start making your hot beverages in the comfort of your own house, enjoy :)

It can help to get you into a routine

When I used to work in the centre of town, I'd often make a coffee early in the morning, put it into a travel mug and bring it on the bus with me. I'd sit and drink it on my walk through the city until I got to the office. But even once I was in the office, it was STILL warm, so there wasn't much point in me stopping off on the way and buying a hot drink. It quickly became part of my everyday routine, to the point where I'd have been lost if I caught the bus without a coffee in hand.

It'll save you some dosh

Buying takeaway hot drinks is an expensive business. Before my coffee machine, I'd buy about six coffees a week from Cafe Nero, at about £2.90 a throw - that's £70 a month, roughly, JUST on coffee! Whereas we buy a bag of coffee beans for £3 every two weeks, which is £6 a month - a huge saving in comparison, and it tastes almost exactly the same, if not better with a bean-to-cup machine. Save a serious amount of dough by making your hot drinks at home!

You'll be able to make it exactly the way you like it

As I've said before, coffee made at home can taste even better than the beverages served up to you in the coffee shops and that's usually because you can make it exactly the way you like it. If you'd like to put syrup in it, you can! If you want to add sugar or sweeteners to it, then you can. You'll even be able to add soya milk or almond milk to your hot drinks if that's what you'd prefer - the world is your oyster when it comes to tailoring your hot drinks and you'll never be left disappointed :)

It's better for the environment

Remember when I told you I used to buy about six coffees a week, well that also means that I used to use six non-recyclable cups every week. They were simply thrown away, never to be used again and looking back, I feel really bad about it. Therefore, I started using a reusable coffee mug that I could use, bring home, wash and then use again countless times. 

Nowadays, I'll make up a coffee in that and bring it with me if I go out. But if I'm going to a coffee shop, I'll bring it with me then as well and they're always happy to fill it up for me. However, when I make coffee at home, I'll only ever use a ceramic mug, much like everyone. These aren't used once and then thrown away, there're reused many times over, which helps the environment. 

You can do it in your PJ's

The best part about this is that you can make your coffee in the comfort of your own home, even if you're in your PJ's. No need to get up, washed and dressed if you're looking for a decent cup of Joe with a bean-to-cup machine. Just roll out of bed, switch on the machine and get making your favourite hot beverage all without having to leave the house.


I hope you enjoyed this blog post. I'll see you again very soon with a brand new one for you :)






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