Is Moving House the Perfect Time for a Declutter?

Finding the right time to declutter your house can be extremely difficult, especially if you work full time or have children to look after. But is there actually a right time to declutter your home? We stayed in our previous home for a year and acquired SO MUCH stuff in that time. We just didn't really think about getting rid of things in the short time we were there, but when we moved into our current house, we found it gave us the perfect excuse to get rid of a few things. 

But why? Why do we leave it till we actually move house to have a declutter of our homes? Well most of it comes with the idea of a clean slate. We don't want to be bringing any tat or rubbish from the old house into the new house. It's also one of the only times we take things out from the under the bed and bring things down from the loft that we haven't seen for years. It almost forces us to face everything we've accumulated and deal with it accordingly.

Decluttering your home isn't always the nicest of jobs. Depending on how much you have and the size of the house you're moving into, you do ave to be quite ruthless with what stays and what goes and it can get sentimental at times, especially if you have children. But in answer to the question I've posed in the title, i think that moving house is the perfect time to declutter your home!


Have you used a house move as an excuse to get rid of things? Do you like to hold onto things when you move house? Do you think that moving house is the perfect excuse for a declutter? Let me know in the comments below and I'll see you again soon with a brand new blog post.






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