Everything I Loved in November

The end of November is upon us, Christmas is in sight and the New Year is calling. What a month November has been for us, personally. The biggest thing that's happened this month is we've bought our very first house! But that aside, there are some things I've been loving, other than the house, this month that I've wanted to share with you 

My fluffy hot water bottle

We've recently bought our first home and the boiler is, let's just say...kinda old. So until we get that replaced, I have been relying heavily on my hot water bottle and it's wonderful because it's also super soft and fluffy - just what one needs when the weather turns cold. It was a present from my parents last year and I believe it was from Sainsbury's, taken from the Christmas gift collection, so I'm sure they'll offer something similar this year if you like mine :)

Our new washing machine

I know right, how BORING to be talking about a washing machine. But I actually love our washing machine. It's by Hoover and it's Wi-Fi-enabled which is super handy for when you're out of the house. Not only can I set the wash off from my phone, it also sends me a notification that the wash has finished and then gives an option to keep it fresh until you come home. That's just a few things the machine can do, I haven't even uncovered everything it can do yet, so you'll likely see another blog post which will basically be me banging on about how cool this washing machine is - what a saddo, haha.

'Sweet Honeycomb' Yankee Candle

This is by far one of my favourites candles to burn around this time of year. It's not quite as sickly-sweet as some of the Christmas scents that are out there, but it's not too far the other way either. This smells delicious - one of those candles that I sniff and then immediately want to eat, haha. If you're looking for an alternative to vanilla candles or more foodie scents, then give this one a try, it really will surprise you. We burn this in the kitchen and the smell manages to travel out into the hallway so all of our visitors can smell it when they walk in through the door!

Celebrating five years with Tom

We celebrated being together for five years this November and it was delightful! We visited Brown's in the heart of Nottingham's city centre and had the most amazing meal there. It was a night full of delicious food, good wine and all round sophistication. We haven't had a night that special in a while and it was definitely a night to remember. If you want to read more about our experience there, then give this blog post a read as I documented our trip :) Tom gifted me those beautiful flowers that you've seen at the top of this blog post!

Going for a meal with my family

My brother and his girlfriend came home from Wales during November and we all went out for a meal together. It was a very special evening as the whole family was back together again and it brought back a lot of nostalgic memories for us all. It was also a lot of fun, spending the majority of it talking about happy memories and what we were up to nowadays, especially now my brother and I have both bought houses in the last year.

Visiting Chatsworth House

I had never been to Chatsworth House before and, for the absolute life of me, I don't know why because it's absolutely beautiful. It's by far one of my most favourite places and for good reason. If you'd like to see what we got up to on the day we went, including looking round the Christmas market they have there, then have a flick through this blog post - you won't be disappointed!


I hope you enjoyed this blog post. Let me know in the comments what you loved about November this year and I'll see you again soon with a brand new blog post :)






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