My Long Haul Flight Essentials

As you're reading this, I'll (hopefully) be in Florida, due to come back shortly, but I wanted to make sure you were still getting some content so here's a list of all of my in-flight travel essentials for a long-haul trip. Tis' holiday season so I'm sure some of you will find this useful if you're due to go abroad soon :)

A good-sized carry-on bag

You need a substantial, good quality bag to bring on board with you to carry all of your travel essentials. I'll be bringing this bag [bag] with me because it's super easy to carry and it can hold many different things of all shapes and sizes. 

Hand wipes

These are perfect for cleaning up your hands after eating your food or having a snack. Anti-bacterial ones will also help to prevent you from getting sick after a long haul flight, having touched door handles and arm rests etc. This way, you won't have to bring a bottle of hand sanitiser onboard because there are stringent rules for bringing liquids onboard an aeroplane.

Roll-on deodorant

I recommend bringing roll-on deodorant with you because I'm not sure if aerosols are prohibited on flights or not, especially to the US, which is where we're (hopefully) flying to. I like to use NIVEA deodorant because I find it's the best one on the market. It smells lovely, not powdery or "old" if that makes sense. It also lasts an incredibly long time, so it's nice to freshen up on a long haul flight with a product you know is going to do the trick when you need it most.

Lip balm

I'll be bringing a small tin of lip balm with me because my lips get incredibly dry on aeroplanes, much like for everyone, I'd imagine. The plane air dries out my lips like no ones' business so lip balm is a massive in-flight essential for me.

Makeup wipes 

I will be wearing makeup on this flight, but as it drags on I'll likely want to take the makeup off, so I'll be bringing some makeup wipes with me so I can remove the old makeup that will, at that time, be hours old. My mascara would have smudged, foundation would have moved, my eyebrows have probably slipped, the list goes on! So I'd rather sit out the rest of the plane journey with no makeup on than look like a sad clown!


I'll be decanting some of my favourite moisturiser, one for dry skin, into a smaller pot so as to ensure I'm bringing on the right amount of product. I'll probably apply this to my face right after taking my makeup off because this is often when my skin is at its driest, so imaging what it'll be like when I'm sat on an aeroplane!

Hand cream

For the same reason I'll be bringing moisturiser, hand cream will be essential for keeping my hands hydrated when the air is particularly dry. I'll decant some, again, into a small, clear pot so as to comply with restrictions, but it'll be just enough to use every now and again on the plane, both there and back!

Hair tie/bobble

I'll likely be wearing my hair down on the plane, but after a while, the front part of my hair can become annoying, so bringing an elasticated hair tie would be the best option so I can bring it up and out of my face for when it starts bothering me.

My iPad

I'll be downloading a few films and games so I can have a bit of my own entertainment available as opposed to just what's available on the in-flight entertainment system. It will also be good if I want to get a bit of writing done for my blog, even if I just do it on the Notes app and transfer it to Blogger when I have some internet when we land.

Travel tablets

This is essential for me because get extremely bad travel sickness, particularly on aeroplanes. I do not travel well at all on any form of transport so this is something I need when travelling on a plane. If not, I'll have my little paper sick bag at the ready and not bother eating anything for the entire flight. Trust me, I've been there before and it was just awful, so there's no way I'll forget to bring these bad boys with me.

Chewing gum

This is great for helping your ears to adjust as you ascend and descend. I don't know about you but my ears pop insistently when I'm flying on a plane, particularly when ascending to the maximum altitude. So when we landed, I Googled how I could stop my ears popping and they said to chew some gum, so I went out and bought some chewing gum, chewed it on the plane and it solved the problem right away! So this is now my new in-flight essential.

A portable smart device charger

Whether you need to keep your phone on charge for when you arrive or if you were running late and forgot to charge your phone beforehand, then a portable charger is your new best friend. They're life savers for when you're running low and battery and need to contact people. There are some with two different ports so you can charge both old and new smart devices. Just make sure the portable charger itself is fully-charged and that you have the right cables with you.

My own headphones

I know some airlines will give you headphones but the port might be different to the one on your phone or iPad. Often, the ones the airline gives you will only fit the port for the in-flight entertainment so you'll then be very much beholden on that rather than your own music or downloaded shows and movies. Bring your own headphones or at least bring a headphone adaptor so you can switch between devices. 

For example, the port for my iPhone is different from the one for my iPad, which will also be different from the one in the in-flight entertainment. But I have an adaptor so I can use the same headphones for my iPad and in-flight entertainment but a different set for my iPhone. Without headphones, I feel like the flight will go incredibly slow.

A hoodie & a pair of ankle socks

Planes can get cold when you're half way through a long haul flight. It only takes for a few people to put the air conditioning on and you're freezing cold. I always like to layer up on an aeroplane and that involves bring a hoodie and also a pair of ankle sock to keep my tootsies warm. I plan on wearing my Birkenstocks on the plane so my feet will be exposed. Therefore, ankle socks are my new best friend :)


I hope you enjoyed this blog post? Are you going on holiday this year that requires you to get on a long-haul flight? Where are you going? Let me know in the comments below and I'll see you again very soon with a brand new blog post :)






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