5 Recipes I Want to Try This Month

I have come across loads of recipes, both online and in books we have. Right now, I'm loving the Jamie Oliver One Pot Meals, but there are a few other recipes I want to try that I haven't actually done before. I thought I'd note them down here and then report back to you about whether or not I managed to do any of them - does that sound good to you? Let's begin :)

1. Homemade guacamole

I am in love with guacamole. I think avocados are delicious, so it makes sense, I guess, that I also like guac. So something I'd love to do this month is make some guacamole, even if I use it to dip tortilla crisps in or to have alongside a chilli con carne. I'm on the lookout for the quickest, simplest, more delicious recipe. When I find one and try it, I'll be sure to let you know which recipe I used if you're also a guac lover and are looking to make your own :)

2. Parmesan-baked brussel sprouts

I like cheese and I like brussel sprouts, so of course, when I discovered that this was a thing, I just HAD to give it a try. Obviously, I haven't attempted to cook it yet because I was waiting for the right thing to have it with as it's more of a side dish, but I'm really looking forward to cooking it and reporting back on what it's like.

3. Sausage pasta bake

This might sound silly because I bet every person and their dog has made sausage pasta bake at some point or another, but not me. It sounds amazing and I am a huge lover of pasta so it made sense for me to actually give it a go. I have a view to make this at the weekend, so keep your eyes posted later this month for a recipe :)

4. Flatbread pizza 

Pizza is delicious and I'm constantly battling with myself about whether to have a pizza or not for dinner and each time I deny myself that flat, cheesy, tomato-ey amazingness. So I wondered if there were any healthier alternatives to pizza and it turns out that using flatbread is actually better for you than the pizza dough you can buy in the frozen aisle. It's also better for you than shop-bought pizza and, of course, takeaway pizzas. So once I find a pizza topping for my flatbread pizza, I'll let you know what I've decided to throw on it and how you can do it too.

5. Baked chicken fajitas

Fajitas are incredible at the best of times. We enjoy them as a Saturday or Friday night treat. So when I heard that were was a baked version, I just had to look into it. I found a recipe for baked fajitas that I'm happy to use, so watch out for a baked chicken fajita recipe that I'll, obviously, reference as it won't be my own dish!


I hope you enjoyed this blog post? Are there any recipes that you're wanting to try this month now that that cooler weather is setting in? Let me know in the comments below and I'll see you again very soon with a brand new blog post :)






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