The Do's & Don'ts of Decorating Your Christmas Tree

Decorating a Christmas tree could be considered somewhat of an art, but nothing stops you from just whacking on the decorations you want and not really bothering about keeping it looking immaculate. This is often the most desired way of decorating a Christmas tree if you have pets or children. However, if you don't have either of those things and want to dress your tree in a way that's tasteful, then let me share some of my do's and don'ts of decorating a Christmas tree :)

Do find the face first & fluff out the branches

This is really something that needs to be done with a real tree. You should leave it outside in a bucket of water for at least twenty four hours before bringing it inside. You'll then need to put it up and cut the netting off and then leave the branches to drop overnight. Even once they've dropped, you'll be able to fluff out the branches a little more. 

Once this is done, you'll be better equipped to find the face of your tree. Every tree has a face and if you have a real one, you'll know exactly what I mean. A real tree doesn't look the same at every angle, like an artificial one does, so it might take some spinning to find the face.

Don't put the lights on last 

The lights actually need to go on first and then the decorations are added after that, including your tinsel, if that's your thing. You can either arrange the lights to go around the tree, as if snow has fallen on it, or downwards, starting at the top of the tree. I think this is quite a new trend and I'm more for arranging the lights traditionally, but each to their own :) there's a picture of our tree below

Do add the tree topper last

Once all of your decs have been added and the lights are on, you might want to have a bit of a rearrange. As soon as you're happy with how you have everything, then it's time to add the tree topper. We have on that looks as though it's made from twigs and branches and it actually fits in really nice with everything else we have in the living room. I love how earthy it looks as opposed to something plastic and tacky. You'll probably just be able to make out the topper in the photo above.

Don't put decorations too close together

There's almost an unspoken rule that states you shouldn't ever put Christmas decorations too close together on your tree. It just looks cumbersome and sloppy. Think about where you're going to place your hanging ornaments. Don't put similar ones together and always put your heavier ones higher up on the tree. 

Do showcase those special ornaments

Put those special ornaments somewhere prevalent on your tree, where your guests are going to see them. We like that, almost all of, ours have a story and some symbolism behind them, so if someone asks, we have a little tale to tell. It also acts as a talking point for those coming to visit, especially if they're not usually seen at any other time of year.


I hope you enjoyed this blog post? Let me know in the comments how you like to decorate your Christmas tree and I'll see you again very soon with a brand new blog post!







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