50 Things to Do When it's Cold Outside

It's been a cold one so far this December, with temperatures dropped below zero in most places across the UK. But when it's that cold, the last thing you want to do is go outside into the cold and the wet. So I thought about everything I would do if it was too cold to venture outdoors over the winter and I've come up with the following list - would you do any of them as well?
  1. Read a new book
  2. Pull some pranks on Tom or try to make him jump (a bit of fun, haha)
  3. Cook or bake some tasty treats
  4. Try a new recipe
  5. Do some cleaning
  6. Play a new board game
  7. Do some online shopping, either for myself or others
  8. Do a bit of painting
  9. Listen to a podcast
  10. Planning birthday presents and when I need to get them by
  11. Plan a trip away during the summer
  12. Watch some movies I've been meaning to see but haven't done yet
  13. Build some Lego
  14. Listen to an audio book
  15. Look through some old photos
  16. Write a few blog posts
  17. Do a jigsaw puzzle
  18. Have a Harry Potter movie marathon
  19. Rearrange some furniture
  20. Do a workout video
  21. Listen to my favourite music
  22. Try my hand at building a fort
  23. Film and edit a video
  24. Have a clear out of some things and donate them to charity
  25. Play some video games
  26. Have a nap
  27. Make some cocktails
  28. Have a coffee or a hot chocolate
  29. Swapping out some home decor pieces
  30. Making and enjoying my favourite comfort foods
  31. Drink two litres of water over the course of the day
  32. Have a bath
  33. Play a game of charades
  34. Watch a new TV series
  35. Do some laundry
  36. Have an at-home afternoon tea 
  37. Watch a TED Talk on a topic I don't know much about
  38. Think of a few songs about being cold
  39. Planning a little road trip
  40. Make some 'Thank You' notes for Christmas or birthday presents
  41. Buy something from a brand I haven't tried before
  42. Listen to a band or a song that someone keeps recommending to me
  43. Read some random facts 
  44. Play a game of 'Two Lies & One Truth'
  45. Mixing a CD
  46. Organising my book collection
  47. Experiment with hot chocolate flavours
  48. Write a letter to someone I love and send it on
  49. Meal plan for the next week
  50. Have a glass of wine

Is there anything that you would do that I haven't mentioned? Do you like the sound of any of my suggestions? Let me know in the comments below and I'll see you again very soon with a brand new blog post :)

I hope you had a very merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!






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