Everything I Loved in May

Another month into the year, which means that we're almost halfway! I think the last five months have gone incredibly quick. However, here has been a lot that's happened in our lives in that time. We had a stag and hen party, we got married, both of my parents retired and we went on a USA road trip - crazy! We never have such action-packed years. Although, I don't think I've ever had such an action-packed May, come to think of it. With that in ind, let me tell you everything I have loved this month.

Going on our honeymoon

From the end of April to the start of May, we were in the USA on our honeymoon. I actually wrote an entire blog post about our trip, complete with loads of pictures and some information about where we went, what we ate, what we did there etc. If you want to read about our trip in more detail, then take a look at my honeymoon blog post here.

However, in summary for those of you who are reading this, we started our trip in San Francisco. We then made our way to Yosemite, Las Vegas, Hollywood, LA, Universal Studios, Disneyland, Morro Bay, the Big Sur and Carmel By the Sea. I've added some pictures below for you, in the order I've just described, so you have some images to look through. It might help to give you some inspiration for a holiday yourself!

Seeing our family after coming home from our honeymoon

Coming home after your honeymoon, which was almost three weeks long, does make you homesick after a time. It got the point where we just wanted to get home so we could see everyone again and show them some of our pictures and merchandise that we bought while we were there. It was delightful to see everyone again because it just made my heart feel full. 

Booking a trip for my 30th birthday

I know what you're thinking "you've just come back from a huge holiday", and you'd be right. However, next year, I turn 30 years old. It has been a lifelong dream of mine to be in this place on the day of my 30th birthday. 

If you follow me on Instagram, you might have picked up on the hint of where we've booked to go, but I won't explicitly say where it is right now (although you can probably guess). Either way, there'll be some super duper, brand new blog posts about it going into the start of next year, so watch this space!

Making headway with the garden

We started work remodelling our garden this May, which is heavy work. Tom has been doing the digging and I have been sorting out the plants and flowers. I've been removing the ones we don't want and replanting and transplanting all of the ones we want to keep. I'm the gardener and Tom is the landscaper, essentially. We've just started work on it so you won't be able to see the plans we have for it until we start the next phase, but I'll be sure to keep you posted :)

Getting some decluttering done

I went through most of the kitchen cupboards and some of the drawers in the spare room and in the office doing some decluttering. I've also gone through my whole wardrobe and got rid of things I don't want to make room for some of the new stuff I had bought for our honeymoon. It's so satisfying to cleanse the clutter from your life. 

Not just because you're getting rid of things you don't want or need, but you're creating space for some organisational elements, so everything is now easier to find and easier to put away. Don't worry, though, I donated everything I could to the charity shop! I wanted to be as eco-friendly as possible, only putting things in the bin that really couldn't be used or repaired.

Seeing friends for lunch

We went to see our friends, three weekends in May. One weekend we did a pub lunch followed by a walk through the forest. We then met up with another group of friends at our favourite garden centre and we saw everyone again the weekend after that for their child's 3rd birthday. 

Essentially, May was the month of catching up with friends and just checking in on each other. It was also a great way to debrief on the wedding, because it was the first time we had seen them since both the wedding and out honeymoon. You can't beat time with friends.


I hope you enjoyed this blog post? Let me know what you've been loving throughout the month of May and I will see you again very soon with a brand new blog post!






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