Everything We Ate On Our USA Road Trip Honeymoon

If you've not seen my other honeymoon blog post, where I go through everything we did and detail where we went on our USA road trip, then you can check that blog post out here if you like. But this blog post is going to focus solely on the food we ate while we were there. 

Now, i's important to note that I didn't photograph absolutely everything that we ate. For example, we just grabbed some sandwiches in Yosemite and I didn't bother including any hotel breakfasts because they're pretty standard really. However, everything I thought that was worth mentioning has been included here. 

If it's not made it into the blog post, then you're not missing anything, essentially. So let's take a look at everything we ate on our USA road trip honeymoon, starting with San Francisco, skipping Yosemite (because we only really ate sandwiches and smores) right through to Carmel! Enjoy :)

San Francisco

San Francisco gave us our first real taste of American food. We started off our foodie venture on the first day, besides breakfast from the hotel, with a taste of Little Italy. The pizza you see below was from Tony's, located in the heart of the district. It was the best pizza I have ever had, but don't worry, we shared it! 

Day two saw us visiting Alcatraz and walking up Coit Tower. By that point, we hadn't eaten much. But I had wanted to try traditional clam chowder in a sourdough bread roll and I had a place in mind as well. Boudin, located in Fisherman's Wharf, sells freshly-baked sourdough bread bowls and you can choose one of two fillings: clam chowder or chilli. I had the clam chowder and Tom went for the chilli. 

Both were delicious and I would recommend visiting Boudin if you're looking for an authentic San Francisco clam chowder dish. I also couldn't resist buying a little sourdough turtle either. They baked bread in a variety of different shapes, including teddy bears and crabs, but this little guy caught my eye out of all the others. We kept it until the evening and, because we were so full from lunch, we picked him apart because we were a bit peckish!

Of course we had to try an In N' Out. It's a fast food joint that's exclusive to the state of California, although we did see one in Vegas. I wouldn't have said it was anything special. I'd go as far to say that there are better fast food chains out there. In N' Out is just your typical, greasy burger and chips. I would say you'd be better off with a simple McDonalds or a Five Guys.

We didn't really eat that much in San Fran. We spent most of our time walking around and taking in the sights. The one time we did have to sit down and relax was at the baseball game we went to. Here, we shared a large drink and also shared a standard hot dog and some garlic fries. They don't look like much, but they were absolutely delicious, surprisingly. 

Las Vegas

Vegas was a good one, because the first night we went to Gordon Ramsay's Hell's Kitchen and the second night we stopped at Hard Rock Cafe. The food at both places were incredible, but the food at Hell's Kitchen was just divine. It's unlike anything else I have had before and it's well worth the money if you're looking for a reasonably-priced fine dining experience. 

There was also a place we went to for breakfast called Hash House A Go Go where I had some french toast and Tom went for a variety of things that came with his scrambled eggs. I recommend that place for breakie because it will keep you going until dinner time - trust me! But let me first talk about Hell's Kitchen.

For a starter, I had the lobster tail risotto and Tom had the carrot soup, which he said was very aromatic in taste. It was something different, but it was full of flavour and he couldn't recommend it enough apparently. 

The lobster tail was very nice. I had never tried lobster before so it was a bit of a risk ordering it because it's not a cheap dish but, luckily, I loved every single bite. I could have eaten it again it was that amazing. Both the flavours and how it was cooked was unbeatable. 

I'm not really wanting to have lobster again because I don't think anyone would be able to top that or even get to that standard as a minimum. The same goes for my main course which was a fillet of salmon. Salmon is my favourite fish so I jumped at the chance to order it when I saw it on the menu. 

I got a huge piece of fish which was seasoned just the right amount. It was tasty but not overpowering that you couldn't taste the fish itself - amazing. Tom had short rib on a bed of potatoes for his main and he, like myself, wished that he had more of it to eat because it was such an impressive dish. 

We weren't going to get a pudding because I was toying with the idea of getting an espresso martini. However, because it was our honeymoon meal,they brought us over a sticky toffee pudding for free. We shared that, and I'm glad we did because it's bigger than it looks in the photo. 

It was unlike any sticky toffee pudding I have ever had. I don't think I could make it better at home to be honest - how could I?! Oh and I still went with the espresso martini as an after dinner beverage, instead of a coffee.

The next morning we stopped at Hash House A Go Go for breakfast and let me tell you, the portion sizes are massive. I think that, in hindsight, two people could share one dish. Out of all of the french toast you can see on my plate, I only had one slice (Tom had the rest, haha). 

Tom went for scrambled eggs with a traditional mashed hash brown. It doesn't look like much on the plate, but trust me, there's more food there than it looks! Tom managed to eat all of that and then polished off my French toast. Once we were done, it was time for us to head off to the Hoover Dam and the Grand Canyon. So it set us up for the day.

That night we decided to pay the Las Vegas Hard rock Cafe a visit. You can't really beat the food in Hard Rock Cafe. Also, no matter where you are in the world, they still charge the same amount and the food is always to a good standard. 

Seeing as we didn't really know where else to go and we didn't fancy any fast food, this seemed like a good place to stop for some nosh. We didn't have any starters and we both had burgers. I had a grilled chicken sandwich and Tom had a cheese burger with fries. We also had some onion rings on the side, which was a mistake because we physically couldn't eat them all. 

Universal Studios, Hollywood

Universal Studios was pretty simple really. We were only there for one day so it only required one meal in the park, but we did get something on City Walk because we were hungry again by the time it closed. For lunch, we shred a burger, some fries and a cookie that was shaped like one of their retro Glamour Trams. 

We also bought one of those refillable cups for $15. It meant that, for the day, we could refill it anywhere for free whenever we wanted. It was such a good idea because it kept us hydrated throughout the day. You can also fill it with water so you can really make the most of it.




Morro Bay

Morro Bay was a little stop over for us in between Anaheim and San Francisco. It enabled us to drive up part of the Big Sur (not all because there's been a rock slide and they've closed the road). We were super hungry by the time we got there, so we had a mooch around the area to see where we could settle down for a bit of lunch/dinner. 

We found a place that I can't quite remember the name of and it was the most fresh-tasting Pacific cod that I have ever tried. I went for the classic fish and chips whereas Tom, who doesn't like fish, went for a beef burger. Once we had finished, we fancied something sweet, so we shared their homemade ice cream mud pie. 

It's coffee ice cream sandwiched between a chocolate and peanut brittle base and an Oreo topping - delicious to say the least. I wish I could remember the name of the place, but we had gorgeous views along the sea front and we could see all of the sea otters swimming by, along with sea lions and pelicans diving for their food. Where else in the world would you get an eating experience like that?! I've included some pics of the scenery as well just because it was so beautiful.

Carmel By the Sea

Carmel was a gorgeous little seaside town with some wonderful little independent boutiques, cafes and restaurants. Of course, we had to try i all for ourselves so we had a walk around and browsed the shops for a bit before stopping at a small place called Village Corner for breakfast. I had avocado on toast and tom had steak and eggs, complete with a gorgeous cup of coffee. 

We then came across a bakery with some amazing-looking cakes and pastries in the window, so we bought an almond croissant to share and it was delightful. It was expensive, however, so keep that in mind if you're looking for bakery bits and bobs in Carmel! Take a look at some of the pictures below of the food we had while we were there.


I hope you enjoyed this blog post and are currently loving all of the honeymoon content so far? Let me know in the comments below whether there's anything you would like to try from our travels, or have tried already, and I will see you again very soon with a brand new piece of content for you!






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