4 Things Your Wedding Coordinator Should Be Doing for You

If you're getting married soon, then you'll likely have been assigned a wedding coordinator. You might be wondering exactly what the role they'll be playing in your big day is, and I'm on hand to talk you through it. Not only are they active on the run-up to your wedding, but they're also around on the day to make sure it runs smoothly and on time. But there are some other things they'll do, or should be doing, and I'm going to detail those for you here. So let's get stuck in.

1. Handle the logistics

Your wedding coordinator should be able to handle all of the logistics of the day. The logistics are different from the timings of the day. The logistics involves how everything is going to run, from where your band or DJ can set up to where your breakfast will be served and who to. 

It also ensures that anyone with dietary requirements is given the right food, and that's the same for people with allergies. You shouldn't have to worry about anything on the day, or even on the run up to your big day, if your wedding coordinator is pulling their weight and doing their job, essentially.

2. Create & stick to timelines

Your wedding coordinator has done this day in, day out. They've likely been involved with many weddings, so they should be able to point you in the right direction when it comes to creating a timeline for the day. 

It's also their job to make sure that all of the timings of the day are met and that you don't start running behind or going through the day too quickly. You shouldn't be clock-watching on your big day, because other people should be doing that for you, this includes your wedding coordinator. 

3. Communicate with your vendors

Once you've got all of your ducks in a row with regards to your vendors and suppliers, you need to give them the details of your wedding coordinator. This is for the vendor's benefit. They'll ask your wedding coordinator questions like when they can turn up, where they can set up, what the deal is with food and drink etc. It simply removes you from the situation, ensuring only the venue and the vendor are communicating appropriately.

4. Solve wedding-related problems

If you have any questions, concerns or worries about your wedding, no matter how big or small they might be, your wedding coordinator should be on hand to help you through those problems. Their aim is making sure your day goes off without a hitch, but also that it runs as smoothly as you want it to, so they're working for you. Don't be afraid to ask all the questions you need to.


I hope you enjoyed this blog post and that you found it useful? Let me know in the comments below what your wedding coordinator did for you and I'll see you again very soon with a brand new blog post :)






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