Dining at Gordon Ramsay's Hell's Kitchen Restaurant in Las Vegas

If you've read my blog post that outlines and rounds up everything we did on our USA road trip honeymoon, then you'll know that, whilst in Las Vegas, we decided to eat dinner at the Hell's Kitchen restaurant.If you've never seen the TV show, then this will, likely, go right over your head. 

However, if you have seen the programme, then you'll recognise some of the dishes and the restaurant decor. Not to mention our view was incredible. We had a table in the window that backed onto the Vegas Strip and it was amazing. We had a great view of the Flamingo Casino and Hotel - one of the oldest establishments on The Strip. 

Not the mention, you could still see all of the bustling goings on along The Strip, together with the bright lights and stunning scenery that you wouldn't get anywhere else in the world. The food and restaurant ambience was one thing, but the location is something else entirely. So much so that I felt like it most definitely needed a solid mention on my end. 

If you end up going yourself, request a window seat if possible, because it's an experience like no other. I don't only want to focus on the food here. From the beginning, the staff were friendly and efficient, despite us being led to our table five minutes late. The waiting staff were tentative and couldn't do enough for us. Not to mention they also brought us a pudding for free as we were there on a special occasion. 

The ambience was relaxing and sophisticated. It made you want to share a bottle of wine and enjoy some food that you wouldn't ordinarily eat which I guess is the whole point of the place. It definitely has the feel of a fine-dining restaurant. It isn't anything like a bistro or a bar. However, there is a bar there that accepts walk-ups, if you're lucky. I wouldn't bother walking up for a table, though, because they're always fully-booked. 

Now that I've touched on the ambience, the staff and the view we had from our table, I think it's time to talk about the thing you've all come here for - the food. This was, of course, the most exciting part of the Hell's Kitchen dining experience. 

We were itching to get a taste of the iconic Hell's Kitchen menu and we made the most of it, especially myself because I went straight for the lobster tail risotto - despite not knowing if I actually liked lobster or not. But I'll let you read on to find out what my verdict was. So without further adieu, here's what we ate at Gordon Ramsay's Hell's Kitchen restaurant in Las Vegas.

Starter: Lobster tail risotto & carrot soup

As a starter, Tom had carrot soup, which was flavoured with a variety of spices that made it taste aromatic, which was a surprise as you don't expect those sorts of flavours from a carrot soup. That gives you an idea of how talented these chefs are when devising their dishes and their menus as a whole. Tom loved his starter, so much so he wondered whether or not he should get seconds!

My starter was the lobster tail risotto. It's a classic dish in the Hell's Kitchen TV show, which is probably why it sounds familiar to you if you're a fan of the programme. I had never tried lobster before, at least in this form. I've had in sauces etc before, but never as the main star of the show. It was a risky order. However, I absolutely loved it. It doesn't taste anything like fish. It tastes buttery but it's actually delicious. The texture is probably as you'd expect. 

It melts in the mouth, but at the same time it's slightly rubbery in consistency. You wouldn't think that something with a slight rubbery texture could melt in the mouth, but it really did. The risotto was creamy and full of flavour. It perfectly complemented the lobster tail that accompanied it. Not to mention the portion size for a starter meal was incredibly generous, so much so that I hoped the main course would be a similar size, but boy was I wrong...

Main: Short rib on a bed of potatoes & fillet of salmon

The main meal that Tom chose was beef short rib on a bed of potatoes. It came with an amazing sauce and a good hand full of greens. It doesn't look like much on the plate, but the food was that good in terms of quality that it was actually very filling. 

We had gone in with a view to trying the pudding, but by the time we had both finished our mains, the pudding was off the cards, but we'll touch on the dessert in a moment. All you need to know is that Tom said it was the best beef he has ever tried, second to that of the one that was served at our wedding.

My main was a fillet of salmon with mushrooms and the most amazing sauce I've ever tried. The salmon was out of this world. That too, much like the lobster, melted in the mouth. It was the thickest, meatiest piece of salmon I have ever tried. I would love to know what was in the sauce and what the salmon was seasoned with because it truly was delectable. 

I would fly all that way again just to have that salmon again - it was THAT good! I cleared the plate, but again, I was super full by the end of the night. I couldn't wait to get back to the hotel and throw on a baggy T-shirt and some stretchy shorts just to be comfortable again. But then the pudding arrived, to our surprise. By why?!

Dessert: Sticky toffee pudding

The pudding was delivered to our table out of nowhere. We didn't order it. We actually said to the waiter that we didn't order any sticky toffee pudding. That's when he said, "it's on the house, you're celebrating your honeymoon". What had happened was Tom had completely forgotten that he had added the reason for our visit to the booking he made more than six months beforehand. 

It was a lovely surprise, but we really couldn't fit a dessert in. However, Tom's weakness is sticky toffee pudding, so I had about a third of it and Tom had the rest, including the ice cream. The only complaint he had was that it should have been served with custard and not ice cream - subjective in my opinion, haha. 

Afters: Espresso martini

Instead of having a pudding, I went for an espresso martini, because they're my weakness. It was very strong, which I didn't complain about, but it was delicious. It's definitely the best espresso martini I have ever had, which sounds daft, but it really was incredible for a dessert cocktail. There's much else to say about it other than it was creamy, tasty and there definitely wasn't a lack of alcohol - what more could you want from an espresso martini?!


I hope you enjoyed this blog post? Let me know if you've ever been here before or if you're looking to go and try it when you visit Las Vegas and I will see you again very soon with some brand new content!






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