How To | Cure A Hangover

Yes, its reached the end of Freshers week, and on Monday, you'll all have to go back with a fresh face and a sharpened mind and start getting your serious noggins on, if you went out clubbing 7 days this week, you may find these hints and tips useful, I know I do :)
And now for the boring bit...
DISCLAIMER: This post is in no way advocating excessive consumption of alcohol, please drink responsibly, and do not consume any alcoholic beverage under the age of 18.

Simple, yet effective. Its one of the best cures for a hangover, it quenches your thirst, washes out your system and keeps you hydrated which in turn aids headaches, take it from me, its a natural way of getting rid of a throbbing hangover.

I don't know about you, but I immediately feel better after brushing my teeth, whether I'm feeling hung over or not. If I am hung over, I also have a power shower and a hair wash! Basic hygiene is essential, just pamper yourself the morning after, but please, please, PLEASE brush your teeth, you'll feel so much better with fresh, clean breath and teeth :)

It probably goes without saying, but make sure you have a big breakfast, your hangover day is a look-after-yourself day, so cook up some bacon, eggs and some toast, stick a good film on, grab a steaming hot cuppa, a blanket and perhaps a dog, curl up, enjoy and relax :) If however you're vegetarian or are a lot more healthy when it comes to meal times, perhaps opt for a poached egg and avocado on toast, or grab a banana and a delicious yogurt of your choice!

Coffee is your friend, and if it wasn't before, it sure is now you're a student xD If you're not a student, lets hope coffee is your friend, but if you have befriended a drink of the tea variety, that's ok too (I guess mwuhahaha). The caffeine will help to perk you up, also, if you'll have to go to work or classes early the next day, it will stop you from falling asleep (in theory xD).
I know you may not feel like getting up and out into the chilly Autumn air, but it will help clear your head, also, its better than being cooped up wrapped up like a burrito in your duvet, breathing in dust and all sorts, it will help wake you up and the chilly air may help clear your airways, I promise you you'll feel better, even if you nip down the road for ten minutes, or go for a quick spin round the park with your doggy, it will work :)
I hope you found this post useful, let me know what hacks you use to cure the common hangover. I will see you Wednesday with a brand new post for you all :)
PREVIOUS BLOG POST: 'My Top 5 | Halloween Films'


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