Obsession of the Month | Fitness

(this image was taken from a Bing Images search engine, the link to which is here. )

I know that probably most of you read the title and thought "boring!" and that's totally ok, but I have wanted to write this post for a while now, but, believe it or not, it took a lot of prepping work, I had to join the clubs and gym, pay the fees, write up the paperwork and activate some gym cards before I could even think about putting this post live :)
So, its been a while since I talked about fitness on here, but now I've started uni, I've never been more determined to stay fit and healthy. Here's what I'm doing on a regular basis to get active:
- I joined the Triathlon Society
- I joined the local gym
Now these don't seem like massive lifestyle changes to most of you, but now, the gym is a five minute walk around the corner instead of a 10 minute car drive. I still have my membership for my gym at home so I can use it when I go back and visit, I've been with the same one for about 5 years now, but my one at home is really small, whereas the uni gym is huge, another bonus. The triathlon sessions are available to go to at least four times a week, and they're 90 minute sessions, the gym, pool and classes at the leisure centre are open to me from 8am to 10pm, so I have no excuse to start getting fit and lose some weight.
The triathlon team have running...

(this image was taken from a Bing Images search engine, the link to which is here. )


(this image was taken from a Bing Image search engine, the link to which is here. )


(this image was taken from a Bing Image search engine, the link to which is here. )

and circuit sessions available...

(this image was taken from a Google Images search engine, the link to which is here. )

Each one open to all abilities. There are groups for competitive athletes, developing athletes and social groups, so if, like me, someone wanted to join simply to keep or get fit, the social groups are the best to go to, unless you want to push yourself a bit more and join a developing group. Its not all about fitness with the Swim & Tri team, they have social events like pub and bar crawls and other social gatherings that aren't as booze fuelled, its a fabulous way to make friends as well.
On Mondays I have a 90 minute swimming session, on Wednesdays I do 90 minutes of spinning and circuits, straight after we have a 90 minute swimming session, and on Thursdays there's a 90 minute running session. On the days I'm not with the Tri team, I'm at the gym, I try and spend about an hour there minimum, especially seeing as I'm doing this, not only to get my fitness up to scratch, but also to lose some weight as well.

For me, there are three cardio work outs I aim to do every time I go, instead of spending a set amount of time on each one, I measure what I'm doing by the calories I burn on them, I like to burn 200 on the cross trainer, 100 on the bike and 100 on the treadmill. I do some weights in-between my cardio work outs to keep the muscles warm and also to have a bit of a rest. I like to focus the weights more eon my legs and back muscles than my arms, but you guys can switch it up however you want.
I'm fully aware that in order for me to lose weight, my diet needs to change as well which hasn't been a problem, I've only been buying things for meal times, I rarely buy things to snack on, I don't eat out often and I haven't been drinking much alcohol either which can make a huge difference when it comes to weight loss. I also have lectures on the third and fourth floors and I always use the stairs, I don't have sugar in tea, coffee or on my cereal. I don't drink full fat fizzy drinks and have semi skimmed milk. Tiny changes like not having sugar in your tea can make a surprising amount of difference when it comes losing excess weight.
I don't claim to be an expert, I know these things through experience as I have lost a significant amount of weight in the past, its keeping it off that becomes a struggle. Now I've started uni, I'm hoping the amount of exercise is out doing how much I eat, I don't snack and have my three meals a day in relatively smaller portions than I would have at home because I have to make my food go further now. I'm not starving myself guys so don't worry, I'm eating a well balanced diet and I'm completely healthy inside and out.
I know this may sound a bit lame, but I have drawn myself up a fitness timetable, I want to take this seriously, I want to be a size 10 by the end of this academic year and I'm determined to do it. My fitness timetable isn't excessive, if I've been to Tri meets, I won't go to the gym the same day, but if I haven't been to any Tri sessions, I will go to the gym, I'm planning on going in the evenings because that's the most convenient time for me right now, it has to fit around my timetable and also meal times, because no one likes getting stitch.
I'm determined to get fit and healthy, maybe even tone up a bit, I'm looking forward to the outcome because I've never been more ready to get my fitness back on track.
-Are you at uni?
-What do you plan to achieve this year? (apart from a degree xD)
-What do you do to stay fit and healthy?
Let me know in the comment section below :)


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