An Update: New Hair & Turning 21!

So it's my birthday tomorrow, and I will be 21 years old (yay, I'm super duper excited!), and it was because of that that I decided I would get my hair cut. For over a year now I've wanted get my hair cut shorter...a lot shorter. Yes, I haven't gone for a short bob or a pixie cut, but for me, this is a massive change.When it was straight, my hair would reach elbow my bust. Admittedly, I loved having long hair, but it was beginning to get too hard to maintain and it started being a pain in the arse. After over a year of having long hair, I'd had enough and so decided to get a good five inches cut off.

Its now all one length, and my fringe has been tapered, but its nice because I can still tuck it behind my ear. It makes it less likely to get in my way, especially while I'm in lectures etc, its a lot less distracting than having a a full on fringe to keep sweeping to one side. I've been there, done that. It was nice while it lasted, but I definitely prefer my fringe grown out :)

I know this isn't a particularly interesting post, but look at is as an update post :)

Like I said, tomorrow is my 21st birthday, which means I have some pretty exciting posts coming up over the next week or so, so stay tuned and I will be back on Wednesday with a brand new post for you!


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