Hints & Tips | Getting Past Blogger's Block

I don't claim to be an expert in the field of blogging, however I have been doing this for nearly four years now, so I thought I'd put my somewhat amateur experience of the topic into good use by giving fellow bloggers some advice about what to do when one experiences blogger's block.

Just like other writers, bloggers also experience times where their ideas have just run dry. It doesn't happen to me all that often, but today was a bloggers block day for me. But seeing as a post needed to go live at some point, I thought it would be rather fitting to write a post about you can get past the initial writer's block.


I know this sounds a bit silly, but it can help for a full time blogger to take time away from the computer screen, and just electronics in general. Put down your phone and your iPad, shut down the computer and pick up a book, or a newspaper. Read a physical, hard copy of something. Taking a break from working at your computer screen can help clear your mind, and relieve the pressure somewhat.


This sounds so simple, but it really works. Perhaps listen to an artist or a band that you wouldn't ordinarily listen to. It can help ideas flow, you could even perhaps write a review about a particular song or album you've been loving. It can pave the way for fresh ideas, and perhaps give you some inspiration for fresh, new blog post ideas.


Again, this sounds simple, but even a walk along the local canal or a trip to the local shops can help clear your mind. It relates somewhat to the idea of taking time away from your electronics. Don't bring any electronics out with you, take a break from technology, perhaps go out with a notepad, sit on a park bench and watch the world go by, and if something fresh comes to you, jot it down. Its also a great way to get some exercise and stretch your legs after sitting at a computer all day thinking of things to write about. You could even blog about the walk itself!


Again, it may sound strange, but it can be a great way to get distract yourself. I know that that's probably the last thing you'd want to be doing, especially if you have a post to get live, but cook something you've always wanted to, but never actually got around to making. As well as it being a great way to take a break and take your mind off writing, it may also inspire you to write a recipe post. Blog the dish you've cooked and how you managed to make it. For example, the other day I made scones, and blogged it, the same with some traditional pancakes, and some more savoury dishes :)


Again, this may seem strange, but its a simple, effective way of getting past blogger's block. Have a conversation with someone, in person. Don't chat over the phone, or by text message, ask your friends if they'd like to go for coffee, see if you can take your mum out for lunch, chat to people face to face and don't talk about work or blogging or school etc, focus on a fun topic to discuss, something you all or both find interesting, or use the opportunity to get something off your chest, it could do both parties the world of good.

I hope you've found this post useful, if you're a blogger and get blogger's block, let me know what you do to overcome it, are any of your methods the same as mine? Tell me in the comment section below! I will see you on Sunday with a brand new blog post for you all :)


PREVIOUS BLOG POST: 'A Relaxed Mother's Day'


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