4 Ways to Incorporate Downtime Into Your Day-to-Day Life

When life gets busy, it can be difficult to find some time to relax and take yourself away from the pressures of everyday life. No matter how often you're in the office, it's important to experience some downtime. Whether you decide to enjoy it on your own or with others, I've devised a list of things you can try in order to take some much needed time out of your busy schedule to chill.

1. Schedule it in

Take the time to go through your diary and choose a day in the week where you'll dedicate some time to relaxation. Recharging your batteries can do a world of good when it comes to working life, you'll find you're more efficient and will often have more of a positive outlook on life in general. You may find that you learn to embrace a task that used to bother you, helping you to enjoy your job that much more. Whether yo take a couple of hours out at the end of the day or you book into a spa for the weekend, you'll soon find that your mindset changes!

2. Get used to delegating

Don't try and do everything yourself, it can soon become overwhelming and you may find that you burn out quickly as a result. Instead, don't be afraid to ask others to do things for you. Get the kids to do some simple tasks at home, such as hanging out washing or tidying up their toys. Ask your significant other if they wouldn't mind cooking dinner while you rest or have a bath. 

The same goes for when you're at work, if you need something simple doing, don't be afraid to ask someone else if they wouldn't mind doing it for you or ask for help to take the pressure off slightly. Don't try and do everything yourself because you'll get tired of it very quickly and you may gradually find yourself giving up. Delegating can help to ease workload, so give it a go when you're feeling pressured or overwhelmed - you could take that free time and use it to look after yourself instead.

3. Take 5 minutes in the day to meditate

Meditation can really help when you're experiencing stress in life. Whether you take 5 minutes in the morning or 5 minutes just before bed, you'll always be able to find the time to do this one. You could even give it a try on your lunch break, especially if you work from home regularly. 

You'll be surprised how much of a difference meditation can make, and you don't have to worry about forking out cash on classes. YouTube have loads of videos on meditation that can help to give you some guidance and add some structure to your session.

4. Get some exercise

You'd be surprised how much a bit of exercise can impact your mental health, in a positive way, of course. I use running as a way to mentally let go of things that are worrying, almost like a coping mechanism for when things aren't quite going to plan - it's much cheaper than therapy. 

You don't have to take regular, strenuous exercise to make a difference either, much like the previous point, it can be done anywhere and at any time. Even popping out for a walk can make all the difference, so don't worry about slipping into gym gear, grab some sunnies and a bottle of water and go for walk instead.


I hope you enjoyed this blog post! If you have anymore tips, leave them in the comments section below. I will see you again soon with a brand new blog post :)






  1. Lorna, great idea to schedule your downtime in. It took me years in business for myself to realize this! Otherwise I'd just keep on working away, eating at my desk, etc. Thanks for the tips!

    1. Thank you for your lovely comment and I'm so glad that you liked the tips and found them to be useful :)

      Lorna x

  2. These are some great ideas. I really need to start meditating, everyone says it is so good.

    1. Thank you! Meditation was recommended to me so I gave it a go and now it's become a regular part of my day. I'm glad you enjoyed the post :)

      Lorna x


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