What I Do to Maintain Healthy Hair

Every time I go to the hairdressers, they always comment on how healthy my hair is and the fact that it's always in great condition, even if it's been months since my last cut. They will always ask my what it is I do to make sure it stays as healthy as possible and every time, I say "oh nothing really, I guess I'm just quite lucky". But it gets me thinking; "what do I do to keep my hair looking and feeling so healthy?" 

So I sat down and made a little list and it turns out that I do actually take really good care of it, or so I think. I thought I'd write a blog post about how I maintain my healthy hair so you can give it a try as well and see if it makes a difference. Enjoy!

I brush my hair before washing it

I thought this was something that everyone did, but after doing a bit of research, it turns out that not everyone does it. I like to do it to detangle the hair and to get rid of all of the fallout so it doesn't go down the drain. Also, it's good to brush it beforehand because if you brush it when it's wet, it can become more prone to breaking which means more damage than necessary. As well as that, brushing it dry encourages the the natural oils in the hair to move down from the scalp to the ends which means that, post-shower, it's far smoother and pretty much ready to be styled.

I apply conditioner from mid-way right up to the scalp

Some people advise heavily against doing this, but I like to apply the conditioner to the middle of my hair and then work it through the ends. After that, I'll make my way up to the scalp, using only a pea-sized amount of product to do it. Even if you have long hair, a pea-sized amount of conditioner should do the trick perfectly. 

I apply it to the scalp to give it some hydration and I also find it helps to get rid of fly-aways and reduces frizz along the parting. I did some research before putting this tip in just to see if it's something that experts would recommend, or not, but it's actually something you should be doing to ensure healthy hair. I also leave the conditioner in for at least a minute before washing it all out.

I use a hair mask

I don't use hair masks very often because it often takes time to apply and you need to leave a bit of time before washing it out. It's not something you can apply in the shower and then leave it in for five minutes while you do something else. Depending on the hair mask you choose, you might have to leave it in for at least 20 minutes. But I find the results are amazing after using a hair mask. It brings back the shine and it feels soft and light.

I do my best to shield it from the sun

I don't do it all the time, but when the weather becomes really hot, I like to wear a hat to protect my hair and my scalp from the summer sunshine. But you can also buy leave-in hair products that can protect your hair from the sun as they contain SPF. There are lots of different products on the market, but you might see that they're more commonly sold during the summer season.

I use hair straighteners that have ceramic plates

Heat styling tools that have ceramic plates are much better for you hair. This is because it helps to put moisture back into the hair rather than take it out completely. It distributes the heat more evenly so you won't have to keep reapplying heat to get the desired look. If, however, you must use heat tools, use a heat protector beforehand. 

You can buy heat protection products either while the hair is still wet or for use after it has dried naturally. Also, I try not to use heat tools more than once a day, or I'll try and stick to one heat tool a day. So if I wash it I'll blow dry it one day and then straighten it the next, just to distribute it out somewhat. 


I hope you found this blog post useful? Let me know in the comments below what you like to do to keep your hair healthy and I'll see you again very soon with a brand new blog post!






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