The Toothpaste Transforming My Dental Hygiene Routine

I never thought that I'd find a toothpaste to rave about, yet here we are! There's not a whole to say about it but I want everyone to know about how good this toothpaste actually is. I have tried, pretty much, every teeth-whitening toothpaste on the market and I can safely say that none of them have made a noticeable difference when it comes to the appearance of my teeth, but this one is actually very noticeable and I felt like I got the results I wanted within weeks of use. So here's everything I love about Regenerate toothpaste! 

It tastes "fresher"

I'm not sure if you really know what I mean by 'fresher' but, basically, it tastes more crisp and has a less fake-mint taste than other toothpastes. I feel like, after brushing my teeth before bed, it leaves a really pleasant taste in the mouth that seems to last right through till morning. I wake up and it still has that crisp minty flavour to it. Not many toothpastes I've tried manage to achieve these sorts of results, especially overnight. So it has taste going for it among other toothpaste brands!

It doesn't leave residue behind

Although this toothpaste doesn't claim to be 'whitening', I would argue that it is. But something I find with other whitening toothpastes is that it leaves a residue behind in the mouth, almost as if it forms a film around your teeth that comes off in the night. By morning, you have some soft debris left behind in your mouth and it isn't all that pleasant. You don't get that with this toothpaste, even though I have noticed a remarkable change in the colour of my teeth. 

It leaves the teeth & mouth feeling cleaner all round

This toothpaste leaves the teeth feeling fresh and clean all day long. From the gums and teeth to the tongue and lips, it really does make a difference no matter what you've been eating or drinking. By the end of the day, my teeth will usually feel a little mottled from the food I've been eating that day, but I don't get this at all after using this toothpaste. My mouth is left feeling clean and fresh and my teeth feel smooth pretty much around the clock - something I haven't experienced when using other toothpaste brands.

It makes my teeth look healthier

Whether it's actually made a difference in terms of tooth integrity or condition is another thing, although I doubt it, but it makes my teeth look incredibly healthy in comparison to how they were before, not that they were terrible before, but I do drink a lot of coffee and I enjoy a glass of red wine every now and again, so I think they were a bit stained from the beverages I drink. I actually found that this toothpaste made a difference when it came to the appearance of my teeth. They look healthier and they actually feel a lot cleaner. I am genuinely impressed by this toothpaste brand, so much so I'm not really prepared to go back to conventional brands.


I hope you enjoyed this blog post? Let me know in the comments below whether you've been using this toothpaste as well and what you think to it. Have I swayed you to buy and try this yourself? I'll see you again very soon with a brand new blog post :)






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