How to Plant a Bulb Lasagne for Spring Blooming

If you're wanting daffodils, tulips, crocuses and snowdrops this winter and spring, then the time to start preparing for that is now. It's a fairly simple process. All you need is a plant pot, or two, a variety of bulbs and a bag of compost. I'll be telling you how you can plant your own bulb lasagne. But what is it? 

A bulb lasagne, or a bulb trifle, as some people call it, is a plant pot that consists of bulbs covered by soil, then more bulbs that are then covered by soil and then another handful of bulbs covered by soil. It is what is says on the tin. But how can you plant yours? Let me take you through it all step-by-step:

  1. Make sure your pot is well-draining, covering the hole at the bottom with some pebbles so that it doesn't become blocked by the compost
  2. Put a layer of compost at the bottom of the pot and then put your daffodil bulbs in first. These go in first because they'll typically have the longest stems
  3. Sprinkle some compost over the top of those bulbs, covering them well
  4. Place your tulip bulbs over the top of those. Don't worry about putting them on top of each other, because the stems will find their own way through
  5. Cover the tulips bulb over, generously, with more compost
  6. Now is the time to plant your crocus bulbs, so place those evenly across the previous layer of compost and then over those over with compost as well
  7. Put some grit or fine gravel over the top of the soil. This will help with even drainage, as well as making sure that the soil doesn't dry out and become cracked and hard. This is because if the soil hardens, your shoots will struggle to come through
  8. You can keep them outside, but make sure they have a period of sunshine throughout the day and that you place them somewhere sheltered, like under a tree or a window ledge. This ensures that the soil doesn't become water-logged. If it does, your bulbs will rot and die

I hope you enjoyed this blog post and that you found it useful? Which bulbs have you decided to plant out for spring flowering? Let me know in the comments below and I will see you again very soon with a brand new blog post :)






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