How to Stay Motivated as a Blogger

You might think that blogging is something that people do as and when, but I find that if I do some blogging as and when I have the time for it, I fall behind and I lose all of the motivation I had when I first started. My productivity comes in bursts, and that goes for pretty much everything, other than when I'm at work. 

After work, the last thing I want to do is sit on my personal laptop and start writing for my own blog. But it got me thinking of a few ways in which I can stay motivated as a blogger. After I found my groove, I was determined to stay in it, and I found a few things that worked for me when it came to staying motivated as a blogger. So with that in mind, here's how to stay motivated if you're like me and put things off.

1. Set some goals

Whether large or small, you need to have some goals set out for your blog. My goal involves making sure that I can regularly post to my blog throughout the course of the month, but this year, we have a few other commitments that need to come first. 

Therefore, I have to be organised and plan well in advance. My goal is to have all of my blog posts written up, aside from the ones that need an event to happen, and ready to go up until the end of March. That's a goal I have set for myself as blogger, but your goals could be anything. 

It could be that you want to gain more followers or more views, for example. Set a goal and see if you can hit it. If you can't, don't beat yourself up about it. Just lower your expectations or try again next month. I find that the more pressure I put on myself, the less I want to actually get the job done.

2. Have a schedule

Being organised is key, and that's something that I have laid out as a goal for me and my blog. The only way I have found of making sure that I'm publishing as regularly as I want to is to have a schedule. I use Google Sheets to create calendars, and I have one for every year. 

This way, I get to keep track of what I am posting, when it's due to go live, whether or not I have a picture to go along with it (or if I need to take one for the article) and, once it's published, I will add the live link to the sheet. 

This also makes sure that I don't create duplicate content by accident. I can see exactly what's been published and when. It also makes it easier to look back on my blog posts as and when I want to.

3. Treat it like a job

Like I've said, the only thing I don't really take a break from is work. So with that in mind, I have decided that a more disciplined mindset is the only way in which I can actually make the time and have the motivation to write my blog posts. It's something I find easier to do at the weekend rather than of an evening, but it's still a good way of looking at it if you struggle to get things done in your free time.

4.Celebrate the small wins

Whether you've managed to reach your goal or if you found the time to publish an extra article for the month, it's worth celebrating the small wins. You should also acknowledge things like an increase in followers or even an influx of views. Blogging can be very trying in terms of whether or not it's worth carrying on with it, but every so often, something will happen that gives you the motivation to carry on, so don't let those moments pass you by.

5. Don't compare yourself to other people

There are loads of blogs out there, and no matter how many views or followers you get, there will always be a blog out there that is bigger and more popular than yours. What you need to remember is to not compare yourself to those who have a bigger online presence. Focus on yourself and on your own goals and the motivation and success will soon follow.


I hope you enjoyed this blog post and that you found it useful? Let me know in the comments below if you have any other useful tips for staying motivated as a blogger and I'll see you again very soon with a brand new blog post!






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