Questions to a Blogger

I haven't done one of these for quite some time, so I thought I'd put this one out there. Although, these questions are most orientated to your typical blogger, with some fun, more random ones thrown in for good measure. Nevertheless, I hope you enjoy!

What inspired you to start blogging?

I had suddenly noticed that more and more people were doing it. I started blogging around 7 years ago, at which time, there weren't many blogs knocking about. Instead, it was all about YouTube. I also enjoyed reviewing beauty products, restaurants, cafes, music events, you name it, I wanted to talk about it. It also gave me an opportunity to display some of my photos. Granted, some are better than others, but I treat this as a diary sometimes, I can look back on days out and weekends away that happened years ago, and still remember it like it was yesterday. So I'm grateful for that.

Which one of your posts would you like people to read? Leave a link!

I'd say it would have to be 'Birthday Drinks at the Alchemist'. Just because it was such a fun and special day, followed by impressive drinks at a bar called 'The Alchemist'. Even I you don't read the post, check out the photos because they really do look breath taking!

Who is your favourite singer?

As boring as this is going to sound, I don't have one...Instead, I'd like to name a band? My favourite band is Busted (sad, I know), but they're a long-term, childhood favourite band of mine, and a few months ago, I got to see them in concert (which you can read about here). It was incredible, I loved every minute. Although their new music is good, it still doesn't compare to their old, original stuff. Let me know if you like them too, you might be old enough to remember them ;)

Who is your personal hero and why?

I don't have just one hero, instead, I have about 3 and all for different reasons. But if you're reading this, then I think you know who you are! Basically, all 3 of these people have helped me through really difficult times, especially over the last 2/3 years. It has been somewhat of a rocky ride, together with body confidence issues and a degree plagued by personal problems, I don't think I'd have got through any of it without their help, advice and support.

Name one book that has left a mark on you?

Feminists Don't Wear Pink and Other Lies by Scarlett Curtis

Who was your favourite Disney character growing up?

Ariel from The Little Mermaid, and she still is my favourite!

Besides blogging, do you have a different job? What is it?

Yes I do have another job. I am a Copywriter for a design agency. I also do a spot of freelance writing for another company.

If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?

I'm going to assume that I'm only allowed to pick one place? Well, if I could teleport myself somewhere right now, it would be Santorini, just because I'm in the mood to chill out in the sun with a cocktail, looking out at beautiful surroundings.

If you could have dinner with anyone, dead or alive, who would it be and why?

Brian May, hands down. I just think he'd have some amazing stories to tell, he also seems very down to Earth! I can imagine it would be like chatting to an old friend.

What's your all-time favourite memory?

This is going to sound cringe, but meeting my boyfriend for the first time is my all-time favourite memory. Despite having 24 years worth of memories, that is and will forever be, my favourite one.

If you could have any superpower, what would it be?

To pause time.


I hope you enjoyed this post. If you have anymore questions for me, please let me know on any one of my social media sites, or leave them in the comments below! I will see you again really soon :)





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