The Habits Highly-Organised People Have

I don't know about you, but I would definitely consider myself to be an organised person. Whether we're going to a party or on holiday, I will always make an effort to be as ready and as organised as possible, even if I have to do something as simple as going into the office. So what habits do I think I have that makes me this organised? Let me tell you!

I like to keep things simple

I try not and overthink situations I'm going into. I think about the basics of what I need and then work everything else in and around that. Keeping things simple, for me, involves creating a check list of things I either need to do or bring with me and I go down that list in order of priority.

I'll also try and get the list drawn up and buy everything I need weeks in advance. Although this might not be considered simple to some people, being this organised makes things super simple by the time I come to actually going somewhere or doing something.

I like to develop a routine

I've had less of a routine since working from home and since I stopped running due to my ankle injury, but before all of that happened, I had worked out a routine and I had stuck to it. Even now, working from home and getting back into running, I have a routine that I follow. Even down to getting up, logging on to my work laptop and eating breakfast all before 9am. 

I liked to go running in the evenings, after work, but since the weather has warmed up, I'll have to change that to running in the morning before my day starts. I don't like changing my routine, but once it's done and I've followed it for a few days, it sinks in and I'm content with it.

I ensure there's a place for everything & everything is in its place

I like to keep a clean and tidy home. I don't like clutter and I don't like when things aren't back where they should be. I'm not sure whether this is because I want to be organised or because it annoys me when I go to find something and it isn't there. But either way, I have a convenient, logical place for everything and when I'm done with something, I'll put it right back where it came from.

I keep an up-to-date, detailed to do list

I've already touched upon this, but yes, I do like to keep a to-do list. Especially if I'm going on holiday and I need to make sure I have everything before departing. I also like to have a to-do list for particularly busy days so I don't forget to do something and my shopping lists are extremely organised, set out by the day, even down to the date it will be when we have a particular meal. Not only does this help me to cut costs but it also helps me to plan our dinners and ensure they're also healthy at the same time.

I'm not bothered about perfectionism

This might sound contradictory to what I've already said, but I'm really not fussed about everything being perfect all of the time. For example, we're doing up our house at the moment and where Tom wants everything to have straight lines and be perfectly glossed, I'm not too bothered.

I'm more for getting it to a good place where it's not scruffy, but not perfect. I'm not sure if that's because I want things to be completed as quickly as possible or not, but either way, I don't have the time to make sure everything is perfect.


I hope you enjoyed this blog post? Let me know in the comments whether you're a highly-organised person or know someone who is and I'll see you again very soon with a brand new blog post :)





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