Brunch at Lamplight Lounge On Pixar Pier at Disney's California Adventure

We went on our honeymoon a few months ago and as part of that, we went to Disneyland in California (read all about our trip to Disneyland here). We had done some research into the different places we could eat at, for a sit-down meal to mark the special occasion and we stumbled across the Lamplight Lounge on Pixar Pier on YouTube. 

The food looked amazing, the setting was perfect as you're right on the pier, overlooking the water, and the prices didn't seem too bad for a Disney bar and restaurant. Lamplight Lounge is in Disney's California Adventure, so don't go looking for it in Disneyland if you've never been before. 

There are still some great places to eat in Disneyland though! But we're talking about Lamplight Lounge today, so let me take you through it all. I'll be showing you what it's like on the inside, the drinks and the food that we had together with my thoughts on the whole experience. So let's get into it!

Take a look inside the Lamplight Lounge on Pixar Pier

I think one of the most impressive things about the Lamplight Lounge on Pixar Pier is the interior. It looks every bit as you would expect it to, and then some. It does nothing but impress you from the minute you walk in through the doors at the top to when you go down the stairs to the restaurant and bar itself. The whole place is packed with Pixar memorabilia. 

If you've ever been to a Hard Rock Cafe, then it's like that but for all things Pixar. From Up and Toy Story to Monster's Inc and Cars, there's something in there for any love of Pixar. There are some snippets of it in the photos below, so you get an idea of what it's like inside, but without spoiling it for you completely, just in case you go and have a look at it yourself.

Let's start with some drinks

Sadly, I can't actually remember the name of the drinks we had at the Lamplight Lounge on Pixar Pier in Disney's California Adventure. I know one thing for certain - they were alcoholic! I had a look at all of the drinks on the menu and I went for a blue slushy one to start off with, while Tom had the orange drink on the right (don't worry, he wasn't driving that day). 

Mine was a raspberry-based drink, whereas Tom's was orange and grapefruit-based. I then saw the person behind the bar making another drink that looked incredible. It was cream with a red swirl running through it, so I asked her what it was. She said it was, essentially, a raspberry pina colada - right up my street! 

But it wasn't on the menu. So I asked for whatever it was she was making and I'm so glad that I did because it was just delicious. I don't think I've ever had a cocktail like it before. I would fly all the way back there JUST for that cocktail - insane. Another detail I nearly forgot about is that you get given their whole collection of coasters, each one with a different Pixar character on them - what an amazing finishing touch.

Food glorious food - brunch at Lamplight Lounge on Pixar Pier

It was time for the reservation that we had both been waiting for. Although the blog post says it's "brunch", the table was actually booked for 12:30 in the afternoon. They don't start their proper lunch menu until about 2pm, so if you're wanting to try any other dishes and you don't see them on the brunch menu (linked at the end of this blog post), then try the lunchtime menu. 

But regardless of whether you decide to go for their brunch or lunchtime menu, you can expect the food to be delicious. I find it hard to believe that anyone has ever had a bad experience there, because the reviews are always fantastic and the food and drinks we had were flawless. But I bet you're itching to know what we had to eat while we dined here. Let me tell you! (Also, just LOOK at the menus - the artwork is beautiful).

Egg white frittata bake

This is what I had when we went for brunch at Lamplight Lounge. It sounded so fresh and delicious that I just HAD to give it a try over anything else on the menu. Firstly, let me tell you what the Lamplight Lounge menu description is of it:

"Hen of the Woods mushrooms, spinach, tomatoes, roasted peppers and onions, smoked salmon, goat cheese sour cream and avocado, served with Confit potatoes"

How could you resist that if you saw that on the menu? Not to mention, the sun was shining on that day and I was after something that I knew would fill me up for the day, but that would be packed with flavour. 

I could also tell that the ingredients were pretty fresh and everything was healthily cooked. If you're after something that looks the part, tastes incredible and keeps you full for a long day at California Adventure, then the egg white frittata bake is the one for you.

Indulgent French toast

This is the brunch that Tom went for. It was no surprise to me considering he has a giant sweet tooth and he's not mad on smoked salmon or avocado. He was torn between this and the brunch burger, but decided that it would have been a bit heavy for going on rides later in the day  -it wouldn't have ended well! Here's the Lamplight Lounge menu description for you:

"Cinnamon-brown sugar Challah bread, Irish cream whip, Maple syrup, macerated berries and house-made almond brittle"

Tom ate every last bite of this French toast. I think he probably would have liked to lick the plate if there was no one around, but he refrained. From what we was saying to me while he was in full munch mode, there were absolutely no complaints about the French toast at Lamplight Lounge on Pixar Pier. If you have a sweet tooth, then this is the brunch dish for you.


I hope you enjoyed this blog post? Let me know in the comments if you've ever been to the Lamplight Lounge on Pixar Pier at Disney's California Adventure and I will see you again very soon with some brand new content!






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