How to Survive Walt Disney World if You're Not a Fan But Are Tagging Along with a Disney Adult

Walt Disney World might not be for everyone. But for every Disney adult, there's usually a significant other or a best friend near by who really isn't fussed. Despite that, you'll have likely been invited along to a trip to Walt Disney World, whether you like it or not, so how do you survive it? Here are some tips for you:

Ask yourself if you actually want to go?

No one is forcing you to go. There's an option for you not to go, if you really don't want to. It's a lot of money to spend if you're not bothered. Have a discussion with your Disney adult about whether it's worth it or not. But let me just say that no one ever turns up at Disney World and has a bad experience. Also, no body leaves the place unhappy, so it may surprise you. 

Eat a big breakfast

I think that setting yourself up for a good day will help you to have a good day, no matter how miserable you think you'll be while you're there. Part of making sure your day starts off well is by getting a good breakfast. Disney World is full of places to have a lovely dish, from quick service food right through to sit-down meals. There's something for everyone at Disney World.

Find some comfortable lodgings

The last thing you want to do when you get back from the parks is to stay somewhere that's uncomfortable. If you're going to splurge anywhere if you're hitting Disney World with a Disney adult, and you're not, then it's the hotel. Splash out on accommodation that is comfortable and is relaxing to be around. 

Choose somewhere with a nice bathroom, where you can chill out and recharge your batteries after a day in Walt Disney World. Part of enjoying your time there is making sure you're in the right frame of mind when you arrive, and getting some good, undisturbed sleep is a huge part of that.

Avoid the peak times

This might sound silly, especially when it comes to Walt Disney World, but there are still peak and off-peak times. Off-peak would be winter (avoid Christmas and New Year) or autumn (avoid Thanksgiving and Halloween) or early spring (just avoid Spring Break times and Easter and Mother's Day). 

Summer, Christmas and Halloween are on-peak and so they'll be extremely busy. If you don't like crowds and would prefer to go more at your own pace, avoid on-peak times. Do your research here to decide the best time to go.

Choose rides to go on based on wait times

You're not going to want to wait around all day in queues in the blazing heat if you're just not into Disney. If you need to go on rides with someone, choose ones that have low waiting times so that you don't become agitated or bored while you're visiting Disney World. This gives you more time to do other things that you will enjoy, like walking, going for a coffee, getting some lunch or doing a bit of retail therapy. 

Remind yourself that there are just some things you can't miss out on 

You might find it difficult to admit, but there will be some things in Disney World that you just can't miss. From the Millennium Falcon in Star Wars: Galaxies Edge to something as simple as grabbing a traditional Dole Whip, there's so much that Walt Disney World has to offer that even the most hardened of "non Disney fans" will soften up whilst inside those walls.


I hope you enjoyed this blog post? Let me know in the comments below if you've ever been to Disney World with a Disney adult, together with how you handled it and Ill see you again very soon with some brand new content.






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