How to Navigate Tipping Etiquette in the USA

If you've ever been to the USA, you know how important it is to be leaving your servers and other workers tips for the jobs they do. It's considered commonplace to tip those who help you out. In fact, it's almost obligatory, if it's warranted. 

However, you might be wondering, if you've never been to America and are looking to go, why you should leave a tip at all, when you should tip and how much you should leave. Having been to the USA a handful of times, I thought I'd give you some tips (no pun intended) for tipping in the US.

Why should I leave a tip?

In the UK, leaving tips isn't very commonplace, at least not as much as it is in the US. So you might be wondering why you should be leaving a tip for your server simply for doing their job. The short answer is that most servers in the USA re massively underpaid. They often earn minimum wage and so they start to rely on the tips they make throughout the night. 

It can bump up their take-home pay in a way that you may not be able to appreciate, more so as a British person who is paid a fair salary for their work. When visiting America, see your waiter as an outsourced server who you're paying to wait your table - independent from the business they seemingly work for.

How much should I tip?

Once you have received your bill, and if it doesn't have gratuity added onto it (which we'll discuss in a moment), then the general rule is to leave between 15-25% of the total bill. For example, if your total bill comes to $50, then leave anywhere between $7.50-$12.50. 

This depends on the service you have received, however. You can leave less or more if it's deserved or warranted. Where this might sound like a giant addition to your bill, especially if you're on a budget, servers in America work hard for their tips, often going the extra mile for their customers.

Should I tip if the service was terrible?

Bad service in America is possible, but it's unusual. Normally, the service in the USA is second-to-none, so it's unlikely that it will be bad enough for you to leave no tip at all. If you do think that the service was terrible, then leave between 7-10% in tips. 

If it really was atrocious, however, and you do not think a tip is deserved, then alert the manager as to why you will not be leaving anything. If you leave without giving the server a tip, they will want to know what they did wrong. Not only does this give them a chance to put it right for you, but it also gives them some feedback so that they don't make the same mistake with other customers in the future.

Do I need to tip if gratuity has already been added to the bill?

Some restaurants might add the gratuity onto the overall bill if it's a hefty amount, if there's a large group of you or if it's a public holiday. If the gratuity has been added to your bill, then you do not need to leave a cash tip as it will already be covered electronically.

What about at the bar?

When it comes to tipping at a bar, then the general rule of thumb is about $1 per glass of beer. You don't need to give it to the bartender directly, you can just leave it on the bar with the receipt you get. However, if they're making you cocktails or anything that requires them to do more than just pour a drink from a tap or a bottle, then the standard 10-20% applies, depending on the level of service you get from them.

Should I tip for fast food or coffee?

If it's a fast food chain, like Dunkin Donuts, In N's Out, McDonalds or even Starbucks, the answer is no. However, their card machines will have the option for you to leave a tip, if you want to, electronically. Although, if the fast food joint, cafe or coffee shop is independent, then it's common practice to leave a 10-20% tip, whether it be in the hand of the server or in a jar at the side of the till. Cash is preferred, however.

Is there anyone else I need to tip in the USA?

It really does depend on the service you're undertaking. For example, you should look to tip your hair dresser or barber, a beauty therapist, a doorman, a porter, a cab driver or someone delivering your Just Eat order. Look at a situation and make your best judgement. It's not illegal NOT to tip, but it's just considered to be common courtesy. In addition, when it comes to tipping, cash is preferred. 

Something else to note is, in a hotel, you should be tipping the doorman or the porter $1 per bag they lift or $2 per bag if it's heavy. When it comes to choosing an amount to tip, between 10-20% is expected, although you can tip less or more depending on how the service was. 

If it wasn't quite up to scratch, you could still leave a tip, but maybe look to leave between 7-10% instead. At the end of the day, it all relies on the level of customer service you get. Don't feel obliged or pressured to leave a tip if you do not want to or if it's not warranted.


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