8 Tips for Visiting Alcatraz

Alcatraz is a must-see site when you visit San Francisco. It's something that you can't leave without seeing for yourself. So it's only natural that you're reading this blog post, to get the most out of your experience there. 

But there are some things we've learnt on our trip that I thought I'd use to give you some advice, especially if you've never visited Alcatraz before. Here's how you can get the most out of your trip and how you can have a stellar time at one of the world's most famous former prisons.

1. Plan ahead

Like with anything when it comes to going on a trip, you need to do your research and plan ahead. Work out what you want to see and when you want to get there. They offer both day and night tours, so what time of the day do you want to go? 

Also, whatever time you book, you need to be at the ferry terminal at least 45 minutes beforehand. It's all in the planning, because it's easy for a trip to Alcatraz to not work out if it's last minute. Plan ahead, do your research and be organised to guarantee a very interesting and humbling trip to Alcatraz Island.

2. Check the weather

The weather can be cold on Alcatraz, but also the weather in San Francisco can be turbulent. One day it could be warm, sunny and dry, while other days can be cold, wet and windy. Check the weather before visiting Alcatraz, just so you're prepared. I'd recommend wearing some layers and bringing waterproof jackets. Umbrellas will not help you!

3. Dress in comfortable clothing

You'll be spending the day at Alcatraz, so you need to make sure that you're comfortable. There's a lot of walking to do, including up and down steep hills. Have the right shoes on as well, just so you don't get blisters or end up with sore feet at the end of your visit. Also keep in mind that it can get cold there, even in the summer. Wear layers and bring a waterproof jacket for the ferry over. Stand inside, because it can get very wet on the outside platforms.

4. Charge up all of your electronics

You're going to be spending the majority of the day at Alcatraz, and there's no where to charge your phone or your cameras. Make sure that everything is charged up before you go. You can take photos and videos of almost anything in Alcatraz, so make the most of the opportunity while you're there - just make sure you have enough juice!

5. Ask a ranger for some facts 

There will always be someone around who you can ask questions to when you visit Alcatraz Island. I recommend that you ask them a few questions to get the most out of the experience. You will be given a walking tour, on a device with headphones, but that doesn't talk about The Battle of Alcatraz, for example. 

Rangers will be able to tell you more about the place that the tour just doesn't have the time to touch on. Make sure you look at the floor in the prison, because you can still see some shrapnel damage from The Battle of Alcatraz - just something extra I learnt while we were there, that you don't get on the tour.

6. Do a spot of bird watching

There are birds all over Alcatraz Island. Some of them don't live on the mainland and can only be found perching and living on The Rock. If you're at all interested in bird watching, then make sure you keep your eyes peeled for some rare finds. If you're truly dedicated, I'd recommend bringing some binoculars as well. REMEMBER, do not feed the wildlife or disturb them. 

7. Go & have a look at the gardens

You heard me right! Alcatraz has some onsite gardens that you can go and have a look at. They've been lovingly restored by the rangers there, and they're packed full of bright colours and gorgeous smells - a far cry from what the prison once used to be like. Don't skip this part during your Alcatraz visit, because it's truly something to behold.

8. Check what's open & what's closed

I know this might sound silly, but Alcatraz is old and it's not been very well looked after, over the years. As such, some parts of it are falling down, others are in good original condition and other parts have been restored. This means that some parts of it will be open to the public and other areas will be closed, for your safety. 

No two trips to Alcatraz Island are the same, so make sure you do your research and find out what's open to the public and what isn't, to save a wasted trip. For instance, when Tom went with his parents over a decade ago, the prison yard was shut. However, when we went this time, it was open - a new experience for him. Do your research and see if you can get access to everything you want to.


I hope you enjoyed this blog post and that you fund it useful? Let me know in the comments if you have any other tips for people when visiting Alcatraz and I will see you again very soon with some brand new content!






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