The San Francisco Giants Vs. The Pittsburgh Pirates: Our First American Baseball Game Experience

While we were on our honeymoon, we visited San Francisco, which was an incredible experience. We did all sorts while we were there. We went on the trolley buses, we visited Alcatraz and we walked along the Golden Gate Bridge, to name just a few things we did on our travels (read more about our time in San Francisco here). 

But in and amongst our jammed-packed pans, we found the time to attend a baseball game at the Oracle Park Stadium on the bay. Baseball season had not long started, one of the first games was between the San Francisco Giants and the Pittsburgh Pirates and that was the one we went to go and see. 

I wanted to document it here on my blog to show you what you could experience if you ever decided to go and watch a baseball game in the USA. So how was it and was it worth taking time out of our honeymoon to see it? I guess you'll find out.

The game & the atmosphere

The game of baseball itself is pretty easy to grasp. It's not a game with complicated rules, much like football. It's easy to follow but it's a long game. Think about cricket here in the UK. The game could last for up to 2.5 hours (which this one did), because it can take that long for someone to get the whole way around, which is the aim of the game. 

However, it's not just about the game when it comes to watching baseball in a dedicated stadium in the USA. The atmosphere is also something that people relish when they attend these things. It's the perfect family evening out, and to make things better, it was a Friday night when we went. 

Also, there were typical claps and chants that people do, including traditional organ songs that play for a bit of fun. It just meant that everyone was getting involved, no matter if you knew what was going on or not. As well as that, they also played the American national anthem at the start, done by a school marching band. I had never heard it being played live before, so that in itself was something so new. 

The atmosphere is fun and exciting, but it's also friendly and safe. There weren't any security checks on the doors, like there would be in the UK, but I still felt very much at ease. Also, the alcohol they were selling wasn't cheap, so it meant that not many people were buying it, so it wasn't at all rowdy, like other sports can be when you go to watch them live. I'd recommend watching a baseball game any day of the week, whether you have a family or not. You won't regret it. It's worth it just for the atmosphere.

The food & our foam finger

You might think that baseball game food would be greasy, poor quality and really expensive, but you'd be mistaken. The food at this baseball game was fresh, tasty and reasonably-priced. We opted for garlic fries, a traditional hot dog and a refillable souvenir cup of Diet Coke. The food was actually really tasty. I know the hot dog doesn't look like much, but it was actually a very flavoursome item. 

I would have got another one if I wasn't so full. We shared the fries and the hot dog, which is the way I would play it if you're going as a couple. Sharing food means you spend less money and there's less waste, because I know I wouldn't have eaten all of that on my own. 

But let's stop talking about the food for now because LOOK at that awesome foam finger. Before we went, I was adamant that I was going to buy and come home with a traditional foam finger from an American baseball game, ad I finally got my hands on one. 

I managed to bring it back home in one piece as well. It didn't become misshapen in the suitcase, so I now have it stashed away in a drawer for now, until I find a way of displaying it somewhere, because it really is cool!

A firework finale

It turns out that we went on the right night because they had put on celebratory fireworks in the bay, for the San Francisco Giants. there was a DJ on, so the music was banging and everyone was singing and having a generally good time. By the end of the night, they were letting off loads of fireworks. 

It was like watching the New Year's Eve fireworks, especially considering they let them off to music. It was the perfect ending to a what was a fun-yet-relaxing evening and I would go again tomorrow if someone offered me tickets. 


I hope you enjoyed this blog post? Let me know if you've ever been to a baseball game, whether it be in the USA or the UK and I will see you again very soon with some brand new content!






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