Is There Anything to Love About Mornings?

Early mornings get a bad wrap and whilst, a few years ago, I'd have said 'no' the the title of this blog post, it's only really since I've got older that I've realised there's actually everything to love about mornings. In some cases, it's the best time of the day! But why?

The day can start at whatever time you want it to

The day doesn't just start at 9am when you have to start work. There's at least two or three hours before that which can be utilised, meaning you get the most out of your mornings before you've even started your working day. I'm more likely to utilise this time in the summertime when it's lighter in the morning. But I use it for a number of things, including going for a run, catching up on a bit of telly or getting some work done on my blog.

For us, it involves coffee & crumpets

In our household, we always start the day off with a cup of coffee and a couple of crumpets. Sometimes we might switch things up a bit and got for fruit and yoghurt or a bowl of cereal, but more often than not, we eat crumpets for breakfast. There's just something delicious about a couple of buttery crumpets and a hot cup of coffee first thing in the morning.

It's the coolest time of the day

I'm not one of those people who loves summer. I can't stand the heat, so when temperatures start hitting 25/30 degrees, I'm not a happy bunny. Mornings are perfect because, although they're warm, they're not blistering hot like it can be in the middle of the day or even in the evenings. I find that I'm generally a lot more comfortable in the morning and, therefore, I feel as though I can get more done.


Do you love mornings? If yes, why? It you don't love them, why not? Let me know in the comments below and I'll see you again soon with a brand new blog post :)






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