My Summer Morning Routine | Things I Do to Start the Day Off Right

Don't get me wrong, I'm not really a morning person at the best of times. But when I am more of one is during the summer. I don't know whether it's because I don't sleep so well at night and end up getting up early anyway or if it's because of the incredibly light mornings, but the summer is definitely the time of year where I'm up and about earlier and part of me loves it. So what do I do with myself when I get up so early and what do I like to do to start the day off in the right way? Let's delve into it!

I go for a run & have a shower

I must admit, I'm not one for doing this everyday recently. This time last year, I was out almost every morning running. But what with doing house renovations, work, shopping and more, my running schedule has kind of taken a back seat these days. But when I get up early, I do like to get moving in the best way I know how. But the best part is when you get back after a good bit of exercise and jump in the shower. I love the feeling of getting clean and fresh again, ready to start the day properly. I never feel completely ready without a good shower and brushing my teeth!

I have breakfast & a coffee

Sometimes, I might go running and then have breakfast. But these days, the running has been neglected recently, which is a shame and something I definitely want to pick back up again. But one thing I will do every morning, unlike the running, is have breakfast. It's the most important meal of the day.

I'll either have a bowl of Shreddies, Rice Krispies or Wheetabix for breakfast OR I'll have a couple of crumpets. If the mood gets me right, I might have a slice of toast with raspberry jam. But the breakfast of champions is a warm, lightly toasted fresh bagel from the Sainsbury's bakery with some butter that's been allowed to melt onto it -AMAZING!

The coffee is also a must in our household. I've never been one for a cup of tea. We have a wonderful bean-to-cup coffee machine that essentially makes lattes at home. We also use the Espresso Starbucks beans so it tastes exactly like a coffee from Starbucks, only better. So it's no wonder a nice coffee is something I look forward to when I wake up in the morning.

I do a bit of blogging

If I don't have much to do, then I'll carve some time out of my day to get some blogging done. I have a good plan of all the blog posts I want to write for the rest of the year, but actually getting the time to sit down and compile the post can be difficult these days. So if I have some time in the day where I'm not required to do anything other than chill out for a bit, then I'll get my laptop out and beaver away on a few blog posts.

If most of my posts are already written, then they might need some images attaching and I like to use my own photos for this. So I might spend the morning taking a few photographs for my blog so I have a little collection to choose from.

If it's a weekday, I'll log onto work

A weekday is slightly different to how my weekend mornings go. I'll log onto my work laptop at bang on 9am. I'm still working from home so there's no need for me to get up and go into the office, not yet anyway. So it's quite nice to get up and start the morning off slowly. I'll get up a little before 9am so it gives me time to make some breakie and a coffee. Then, by the time 9am rolls around, I'm at my desk and checking my emails.

If it's a weekend, it's likely that I'm gardening or decorating

The weekends are very much reserved for house renovations or tidying up the garden. When we first moved in, the garden needed some much-needed TLC, but we bought the place in November, so it wasn't really gardening weather. Now the suns out, I've been able to do loads of things, like trim down some bushes and jet wash the driveway and patio. It needs to fresh sand to be poured into the gaps as we have a block paved driveway and all the weeds come up at this time of year. So that needs sorting and that's what we use our weekends for right now, haha.

We're also using our weekends to run to DIY stores like B&Q and Screwfix. We're in the process of modernising the bathroom and decorating the guest room as well as doing some work on the living room, so we need all the free time we can get to sort those things out. It might not sound like a lot of work, but the house was a little neglected by way of the condition the walls were in, for example.

It wasn't painted very well so it's full of drip marks and lines where they've painted up to wallpaper. The skirting boards and architraves were painted with emulsion and they were cracked and poorly fitted. The window sills were covered in PVC and the wooden ones underneath were rotten. So it's just things like that that have made the process a lot longer than it really needed to be, but it's nice to get it right back to a blank slate with smooth-ish walls (as it's all old plaster) and no paint drips.

We've even crowbar-ed off the skirting boards and architrave and replaced them with new pine ones. So they needed filling, sanding and calking. It's a lot of work, but again, getting up early in the mornings and spending a few hours on it can make all the difference. We surprise ourselves about how far we can actually get in one weekend and it's quite satisfying actually! 


I hope you enjoyed this blog post? Let me know in the comments below how you like to start your mornings or what you like to do in the mornings during the summer months and I'll see you again soon with a brand new blog post!






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