10 Things That Made Me Happy This Week...

So I thought I would turn this into a little series to do once a week, so instead of you having 2 posts a week, you will 3, but I will probably publish this one every Friday :) If you have a blog, feel free to do the same, it will help you to see the god in every day :)

1) Having 2 weeks off for Easter
After handing in two massive pieces of coursework and having one more on the go together with having to revise for about five exams, I am grateful for the break. It gives me the chance to catch up on sleep and to also get more organised on the run up to exam season.

2) Jimmy's Iced Coffee

So I love 'Jimmy's Iced Coffee', the skinny version, so very much, and recently I was contacted on Instagram by it's founder who will send some great things out to me for the great advertising I have been doing for them! If you don't follow me on Instagram (why not? xD haha just kidding guys :D) then you won't know that I have over 4000 followers, and so anything I post, in theory, will be seen by 4K people, hence the massive thank you from the kind folk at 'JIC'. 

3) Carrots & Houmous

I have been trying to go on a health kick, not to lose weight really, but just so I can feel healthier on the inside. Having a healthy diet can also improve your skin, and mine could sure do with an uplift! I feel like healthy eating can sort your skin out in a way that skincare products can't, that and drinking lots of water can help too.

4) My Pets

My dog is called Rudi and he is 12 years old now! My 2 guinea pigs are called Janet (the blonde, long haired guinea) and Madge (the small gingery guinea), both are about 2 years old, we got Janet from a pet shop, and we rescued Madge from a guinea pig rescue centre.

I have been spending a lot of time with my pets recently, I spend a lot of time with my dog, Rudi anyway because obviously I walk him everyday and we generally just spend a hell of a lot of time in eachothers company. However, in recent weeks, I have been spending an awful lot of time cuddling my guinea pigs (among doing general, everyday life things as well xD). I love animals, and dogs and guinea pigs are my ultimate loves, so in my opinion, there's no better combination :D 

5) My Gorgeous Radio

Since receiving this beautiful radio for my birthday, I have literally been listening to it everyday, there isn't a day so far where I haven't turned it on, it's just been my number 1 obsession at the moment and I couldn't possibly love it anymore!

6) Spring Flowers

It's Spring (well done Sherlock), and with Spring comes Easter, Blossom, tulips, daisies and daffs. Daffodils and tulips one of my favourite flowers (Peonies are my number 1 faves) and they're also one of my Mum's favourites (daffodils), they remind her of me (because I was born on the first day of Spring), we will always have some in the house over Spring, but it makes me happy to see them thriving elsewhere, especially in the country side, or little clusters in the park, the bright yellow makes me so happy and it brightens up my day. 

7) Seeing My Grandma
So my Nana is 96 years old, and she is so full of spirit and love and kindness, basically, she's perfect in my eyes. It's one of my favourite weekly traditions, we go up every Sunday to pay her a visit and we bring her up some lunch :) I treasure every memory I have of her, and it's so important to me to make new ones as often as possible, it's time I will never get back. She is so special to me and I adore her :)

8) The Fact It's Still Light At 5 O'clock in the Evening
I can't tell you how lovely it is to finally have some daylight again during the early hours of the evening, it means I can walk the dog after a long day and clear my head. It just puts me in an overall better mood, and I can't wait for those Summer evenings chilling in the garden with a cup of fruit tea and a good book :)

9) Receiving Confirmation Of My Place At University 
If you know me, then you may know that I recieved 2 unconditional offers and 3 conditional offers to study English Language & Creative Writing at Uni. This week, I finally made a decision as to which Uni I want to go to. After putting one as my first choice, I recieved a confirmation letter through the post confirming my place on the course and I literally couldn't be any happier! 

4 years of hard work has finally paid off. It's possibly the most important life experience yet. Not getting into uni a couple of years ago (at the time) was the worst possible thing that could have happened to me, but it really wasn't. It was probably the best thing that could have happened to me.

If I had gone to Uni then, I wouldn't have any valuable work experience, so stable job that would support me through Uni, and only 2 and a half A Levels. It really was a blessing in disguise. Now, a twenty year old with a constant and stable income, savings behind me, a tonne of work experience and 5 and a half A Levels behind me, I really couldn't be in a better place or in a better position to start Uni. I don't even think I'm ready to leave home at 20, yet alone having to do it at the age of just 18. It really has been the most valuable life lesson yet and I am so thankful! 

(sorry, that got pretty deep xD)

And last but not least...

10) Daisy Dream

This is another gift that I received for my birthday, and I have been wearing it a lot recently. I tend to switch up my perfumes a lot, so I don't wear this everyday, but I wear it more than my other perfumes at the mo.
That's it from me this week guys. If you have a blog, I would really love to see you do this as well, pick 10 things which have made you happy this week, or next, trust me, it's a great way to inject some positivity into your life, especially on a murky Sunday night when you're dreading going to work or school the next day!
I'll see you again soon with a new post for you all :) Have a nice day, Lorna X
I have not been paid or sponsored to write this specific blog post. All views and opinions are my own. I am not affiliated with any companies that may be mentioned in this blog post. All but one piece of photographic content is my own. No Copyright infringement intended.


  1. In love with that radio! Such a lovely post! x

    Lydia x


    1. I've wanted a Roberts for ages and it's beautiful :) Thank you! Feel free to do it yourself if you like :) X


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