A Late Girl's Guide for Getting Ready in the Morning

The issue is I'm a night owl and not an early bird, so it makes being anywhere on time difficult as I'm just not a morning person. However, no matter what, I still manage to be punctual and you may be wondering how someone who is always running late manages to do it? Here's a late girl's guide to getting ready in the morning!

Have a shower the night before

Getting showered the night before is a great way of saving time in the morning. This is even the case if I've due a hair wash. I will wash my hair the night before and dry it before hitting the hay. I find it saves so much time when it I have somewhere to be early the next morning that I need to be presentable for.

Apply the bare-minimum amount of makeup

You can apply makeup that makes you look fresh-faced and ready to take on the day, but without the need to go overboard. If I was going out for the night, then I'd spend a lot more time applying different makeup products, but not if I'm running late in the morning. 

When I'm losing track of time, I only apply concealer, eyeliner, mascara and a bit of blusher, along with some tinted lip balm for good measure. I have written a blog post about how I apply makeup, and what I use, for a natural look, which you can look at here, if you're interested.

Lay out your outfit the night before

Just as you can have a shower the night before to save time, why wait until the morning the sort your outfit out? If you're a night owl, then you're far more likely to be productive then, so why not take the time to choose something amazing to wear the next day? Make your choices and then set them out so that all you have to do the next morning is get dressed.

Choose something simple for breakfast or have breakfast on the go

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, so don't miss out just because you're running late. Instead, choose something quick and simple to eat, like a banana, a muffin or a pastry. Pick something that doesn't need cooking and that makes very little mess if you're in a rush. Alternatively, you can go and pick something up from a cafe, restaurant or supermarket while you're on the go. 


I hope you enjoyed this blog post and found it somewhat useful if you too run late regularly? Let me know in the comments below if you have any other hints and tips for getting ready in the morning when you're strapped for time and I will see you again very soon with some brand new content!






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