How to Keep Weeds at Bay in Your Garden

Just because it's September, it doesn't mean that weeds that stopped growing. They a pest and a they just keep coming back. They take up a lot of your time, especially if your garden is a considerable size or if you have a patio area that constantly needs to be weeded in between the slabs. If you're looking to save time (and your back), then you've come to the right place. Here's everything you can do to keep weeds at bay in your garden.

Leave sleeping weeds

Every inch of your garden will contain weeds, whether you like it or not. If it's not a dormant weed, it's the seeds of the weeds that you have to worry about. If you disturb the ground unnecessarily, then you're bringing the seeds up to the surface, where they'll get more warmth, light and moisture. If you don't need to do any digging, then don't do it. 

Use landscaping fabric & decorate stone where possible

This is something that I have recently adopted, with the landscaping of our back garden as well. If you have any area of your garden that is generally soil, then make sure you pull up the weeds that might already be present and then cover the area with a water-penetrable landscaping fabric. 

Buy the right stuff from places like Wickes so that your plants can still breathe and get the right amount of water to their roots. It won't affect how your plants grow and thrive, but it will prevent weeds from pushing up and through to the top. Landscaping fabric isn't pretty, so cover it over with mulch or decorative stone to make it look amazing.

Pull up living weeds when the weather is warm and dry

Pulling up the weeds, even if you don't get the root our, when the weather is warm and dry is the best way to get rid of them and to prevent them from coming back. This is because, like with any plant, the hot temperature and lack of moisture will cause the plant to shrivel up and die off - no weed killer needed.

Plant flowers & shrubs closer together

By placing plants closer together, you're blocking sun light and rain fall from the weeds that might be lying dormant below. It chokes out potential weeds whilst still making sure that your garden looks and smells the part throughout the summer season, and well into the autumn. 

Be more precise with your watering

Make sure that you're focusing your watering efforts on the flowers and plants you have and not the weeds. While this might sound easier said than done, have a more concentrated water flow so that you're missing the weeds that might be lying below or around the vicinity of your plants - simple-yet-effective.


I hope you enjoyed this blog post and found it somewhat useful in your gardening mission? Let me know in the comments below if you have any other tips for keeping weeds at bay and I'll see you again very soon with some brand new content.






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