Everything You Need to Know Before Going for a Spa Day

Tom and I went on a spa day for his 30th birthday in August, and it was the first one we've both been on. It was such a lovely, relaxing day. We spent most of the time just chilling out, eating amazing food and having a snooze throughout the day. 

I didn't want to get out of the hot tub or the hydrotherapy pool, but that wasn't the only part of the spa day that stood out for us. There were lots of different steam rooms and three saunas, each set at different temperatures. 

There was a normal pool with two jacuzzis and some massage water jets and canons that did the world of good for my back and legs. But there were some things we didn't really think about before we went. 

So it got me thinking that maybe, if you've never been on a spa day either, you won't know what to bring or what to expect. That's why I've compiled a list of things you need to know before going for a spa day (just make sure you check the rules, terms and conditions of the spa you're going to). 

Bring your own flip flops

There are some spa facilities that include the flip flops or sandals or slippers, but nine times out of ten, they aren't included. Make sure you bring your own flip flops for the day just so you aren't walking around bear foot everywhere. Flip flops are best because they can be easily slipped on and off and they can withstand getting wet - perfect footwear for a spa day!

Take a pair of sunglasses

Most the facilities at the spa will be outdoors. The spa that we went to had sun loungers and a hydrotherapy pool outside. The day was bright and sunny and we didn't bring any sunglasses with us. 

So we spent most of our outdoor time squinting at each other until our eyes eventually adjusted to the light. If you know that the facilities go outside, bring some sunglasses with you just in case the sun puts his hat on.

Not everything is included in the price

Drinks, treatments and other added extras aren't normally included in the price of your day, so don't go into it thinking it's like a mini all-inclusive holiday for the day. Having said that, you might want to bring a payment card with you because you pay off your tab when you leave the place. 

Don't reserve sun loungers - people don't like it

We didn't reserve the sun loungers that they had on offer, but there are signs everywhere that tell you not to do it. You can really rack some people off by putting your towel on a sun lounger to claim it as your own. 

Also, there's not much point anyway. You'll be up and about moving to different parts of the spa throughout the day, so leaving a towel or a dressing gown behind isn't always effective. Not to mention, a member of staff will move your stuff to a pigeon hole if you go against the rules. Basic rule - just don't do it.

The majority of the facilities are included in the day - take advantage of it all

All of the facilities at the spa will be included in the price of the day, so make sure you take advantage of every inch of the place. We gave everything a go, jumping into a pool or chilling in all of the steam rooms when we could. We were there from 9am till 6pm and we managed to experience everything they had on offer, even down to the slumber room - a room meant solely for the purposes of sleeping - what could be better?!

Bring your own water bottle

We saw a lot of people bringing their own water bottles to fill up at the water stations. We relied on disposable paper cups, but you have to keep getting up and going to the dispensers every time. By filling up your own bottle, you'll have all of the water you'll need throughout the day, only filling it up periodically as the day goes on.

Facilities will clear out at lunch time, so enjoy some quiet time

When the clock strikes 12-2pm, then you'll notice the place starts to clear out as people go for their pre-booked lunch. I deliberately booked ours for 1:30pm so that we could enjoy the facilities without all of the hustle and bustle that was around before then, not that it was overly-busy. It just gives you a chance to enjoy the spa as though nobody was around. 


I hope you enjoyed this blog post and that you found it useful? Let me know in the comments below if you have any advice for first-time spa-goers and I'll see you again very soon with some brand new content.






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