4 Things You Can Do with Coffee Syrup (Besides Putting it in Coffee)

Coffee syrup is a must-have in our house. While I don't use it all year round, I will reserve it for my coffee during the festive season. However, there are plenty of other ways in which to use coffee syrup so that it doesn't go to waste. So here are four ways in which to use coffee syrup aside from putting it in your coffee!

1. Make it a substitute for traditional sweeteners or sugar

I know that, technically, this is still putting it into a tea or a coffee, but what you need to remember is that this syrup is being used as a substitute for sugar or sweetener, rather than as a way to sweeten up a coffee just because they're looking to satisfy a sweet tooth. Instead of opting for sugar, you could opt for a sugar-free syrup to sweeten it up instead. 

2. Drizzle it over frozen desserts

This is perhaps one of my favourite ways to use a coffee syrup that doesn't involve putting it in coffee. If you have some ice cream, for example, that needs a bit of sprucing up, then put a few pumps of coffee syrup over the top of it - any flavour should do the trick! My go-to is cinnamon. 

3. Use it as a glaze on cakes, pastries & doughnuts

You can use coffee syrup when it comes to baking. I like to use it to moisten up a plain sponge or I'll cut open a croissant and put some in the middle for good measure. It's also great when watered down, mixed with a little bit of icing sugar and then drizzled over the top of a plain ring doughnut. It's a wonderful way of adding some more flavour to a plain pudding.

4. Elevate your cocktails

Cocktail recipes might call for a spritz of coffee syrup, no matter the flavour. Keep an eye out for a delicious cocktail recipe where it's suitable to use a coffee syrup. Caramel, hazelnut and vanilla flavours usually work very well in this context.


I hope you enjoyed this blog post? Let me know in the comments below what you like to do with coffee syrups other than putting it in coffee and I will see you again very soon with some brand new content!






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