How to Protect Your Garden Furniture All Year Round

Garden furniture is an investment piece. Whether you have a plastic or metal frame or have wooden or wicker furniture that cost a fortune, there are ways in which you can protect your garden furniture all year round to keep in pristine condition for as long as possible. Aren't sure how to do it? Let me explain!

Perform general, regular maintenance on your garden furniture

General garden furniture maintenance includes things like wiping it down after you've eaten at it, cleaning up any bird poo that's on it, keeping it dust and leaf-free etc etc. Any general maintenance and care that needs to be done that's obvious should be done both whilst it's in use and when it's not being used. 

Move it inside, if you can, during the winter

Moving it inside during the cold weather is one of the best ways to ensure the integrity of your garden furniture for the long term. It prevents it from becoming rusty, if it has a metal frame, or from rotting, if it's made from wood. 

If it's made of wicker, then it could even become mouldy and dirty if it's not stored correctly. Cover it over and store it in a shed or a garage when not in use for the best results when you come to uncover it the following year. 

Cover it over when not in use

Covering your garden furniture is something that you must do when you aren't using it, especially if you don't have a garage or a shed to store it in for the long term. Not only does this keep it clean and protects it from rot and rust, but it also stops it from being covered in bird poo and other unwanted elements. 

Look after the cushions

Don't leave your cushions out there for the elements to damage. They might come with waterproof or weatherproof coatings, but in reality, you need to make sure you're putting them away when they aren't being used. Not only does this prevent them from becoming worn and weathered, but it will also keep them in great condition, preventing them from becoming mouldy, for example.

Secure the garden furniture 

In the UK, we have about two or three weeks of nice weather and then it seems to turn wet and stormy. With stormy weather comes wind and that can throw your furniture about, no matter how heavy you think it might be. If you know the weather will turn, or if you're going away on holiday, you should secure your furniture to prevent it from being battered about the garden. 

Not only will this protect the furniture, but it will protect other aspects of your garden, such as walls, decking, patios and even the house itself. Securing your garden furniture is always a sensible idea, however, no matter what the weather might be doing. It's more for peace of mind than anything. 

Protect it from UV rays to avoid discolouration

Although your more expensive furniture pieces will come with a protective coating, it's not always enough if your furniture is exposed to the sun 24 hours a day throughout the summer, when the sun is at its strongest. Instead, you should either place it somewhere shady or create some shade for it by putting up umbrellas or having it permanently under a covering. 

Be careful when you use it

Just as you should be looking after it when it's not in use, you need to look after it when you are using it. From putting down heat mats and place mats when people are eating to using coasters and cleaning up spillages as soon as they occur, it's all part of protecting your garden furniture all year round. 


I hope you enjoyed this blog post and that you found it useful? Let me know in the comments below if you have any more tips for protecting garden furniture all year round and I will see you again soon with some brand new content!






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