Gardener's World Live & Good Food Show: A Round Up of Our Day

This June, we took the opportunity to visit Gardener's World Live; the first time we have been since before Covid-19. Ever since buying our house, I have been increasingly more interested in gardening and everything that comes along with it, hence why we have recently started landscaping our garden after 2.5 years. 

But we thought that we'd come to Gardener's World Live this year for a bit of inspiration. However, there were a few surprises and lots of things to see and do along the way. But it wasn't just Gardener's World Live that we went to see. 

Included in your ticket, you also get to have a good mooch around the BBC Good Food Show, which is bolted on the end, essentially. We also paid a little extra to watch Nadiya Hussain in the kitchen. So let me tell you what we got up when we went to Gardener's World Live 2024.

Gardener's World Live & the Gardener's World Subscribers' Lounge Experience

There's so much to see at Gardener's World Live, whether you're a subscriber of the magazine or not. Seeing as I am a subscriber, we managed to get a space in the subscriber's lounge, which is where others cannot go. There are several benefits to being in the subscriber's club when attending Gardener's World Live. 

The first is that you get to have a sit down. The second is that you get 10% off the food and drink they serve in there and thirdly (and most importantly), we got an exclusive talk with Monty Don himself, together with some other guest speakers. 

I couldn't quite believe how close we got to him, it was just as if I was listening to him talking in my own living room. He's such a chilled out, calming presence and he is so very knowledgeable. If you're a beginner gardener, then get all of your advice and guidance from Monty Don because he will not let you down.

We spent enough time in the subscriber's lounge to get a coffee, have a sit down and listen to all of the wisdom that Monty Don had to bestow upon us and we then went for a wander around the place. We started off in the gardening part, looking at all of the display gardens and the cut flower displays that were dotted around the joint. 

If you watch Gardener's World on a Friday night, there would have been one garden on display that you would have been particularly interested in - one designed and created by Adam Frost, one of the presenter's of Gardener's World. 

He often stands in for Monty Don when he's got other commitments, so you'll have likely seen him at least once in the show. I have left a few pictures below of all of the gardens we saw, together with Adam's garden (right at the end, starting from the tomato plant) so that you can have a look at how beautiful they all were.

BBC Good Food Show

As part of the Gardener's World Live ticket, you also got access to the BBC Good Food Show. Here, it's just a multitude of stalls and shops that were giving away free samples and selling their goods at discount or "show" prices. 

We actually got some gardening tools and a Weber mat for our Weber BBQ to go on when we lay the new patio for, almost, half the price it's retailed at. I was going around Googling the things we were looking at just to confirm if we were getting a good price, and we totally were. We managed to get a Draper leaf rake for £8! Online, they were about £17 for the same one. 

We also got a spray gun for the hose which should have been over £20, but we got it for £10. There really were amazing deals to be had there. Some of the gardening stalls overlapped with the food stalls, but it was all good fun. 

We were there all day, from about 9:30am-6pm when it closed. We had an amazing time. From the food show, we bought some cookies and a couple of bottles of wine. Tom had a samosa and I just went around hoovering up all of the free samples - why not, eh? 

We also paid £3 extra to watch Nadiya Hussain, one of the winners of The Great British Bake off, cook two different dishes in the kitchen - a main and a pudding. That was such a good experience - very entertaining but also very informative and helpful at the same time.

I would totally recommend going to Gardener's World Live in the summertime. Obviously, it's not on for the winter show, which is just about the food, but I would definitely say that, if you're into gardening, go to the show next year - you will NOT be disappointed. 

Also, as well as being able to look at all of the gardens and the flower displays, you can make purchases to your heart's content. Whether you're on the lookout for a new plant or flower or want some furniture or decoration for your garden, they will have it all. Will I see you at next year's show? Let me know in the comments!


I hope you enjoyed thi blog post? Let me know in the comments below whether you went this year or if I've persuaded you to go next year and I will see you again very soon with some brand new content!






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