A Mini Break in Las Vegas

Las Vegas made up another leg of our American road trip honeymoon we went on, but we were only there for two full days, and one of those days was spent visiting the Hoover Dam and the Grand Canyon, hence why I've labelled it as a mini-break. 

Having said that, however, we really did make the most of the time we had while were there. We were getting up extremely early in the morning and getting back late at night, just so we could experience everything that Vegas has to offer. So let me tell you what our Las Vegas mini-break had in store for us :)

Day one: Exploring, Carlo's Bakery & dinner at Hell's Kitchen

Day one we arrived here from Yosemite (read about everything we did there here), after a stop over at somewhere called Bakersfield. So we got into Vegas at about midday. We checked into our hotel and then headed out to enjoy Vegas during the daytime, because this was the only free time during daylight hours that we really had while we were in Vegas. We took the opportunity to visit the hotels and the shopping malls, but I also managed to win $5 at the casino playing Black Jack, haha - when in Vegas!

While we were having a mooch around, we stopped off at Carlo's Bakery. If you've ever seen the TV show on TLC called 'Cake Boss', then you'll get the significance of this bakery being here in Vegas. I remember after I finished my A-Levels which was more than ten years ago now, my brother and I used to watch Cake Boss all the time, so to try something that was sold by the big man himself was so cool!

By the time we were finished having a good look around, it was time for us to go back to the hotel to get ready for our dinner reservation at Hell's Kitchen, which is a fine-dining Gordon Ramsay restaurant that is famous for having the same kitchens and the same dishes as the famous TV show 'Hell's Kitchen'. 

I won't harp on it too much here as I've written a whole blog post dedicated to our experience there, which you can read here, if you're interested :) But in summary, I had a lobster tail risotto starter while Tom had the soup and for the main I went for the salmon and Tom had beef short rib. 

It was incredible! I'd go back there in a heartbeat if I ever visited Vegas again. We also got a free pudding out of it, because they got wind that it was our honeymoon! The pudding was divine - a soft and delectable sticky toffee pudding - what more could you want? We also had the most amazing view of the Las Vegas strip! There are loads more pictures over on that dedicated blog post :)

Now, because we were absolutely stuffed from dinner, we decided we'd go back to the hotel, get changed and then go back out to experience some of the nightlife that Vegas has to offer. We enjoyed the evening heat with a delightful breeze and we also visited the conservatory at the Bellagio to see their wonderful flower display. 

They change the theming quite regularly, so you might well experience something different to what we did if you went. But no matter the theme, it will be incredible, I promise you! It's probably not a good idea to go if you suffer with hayfever.

It smells divine, but it's only ever the smell of wonderfully fresh flowers and plants, so be cautious if you have allergies of that nature. It was then time for us to go back to the hotel and settle down for the night, ready for visiting the Grand Canyon and the Hoover Dam the next day.

Day two: Breakfast at Hash House A Go Go, The Grand Canyon, Hoover Dam, Brewdog & Hard Rock Cafe

This morning, we had the most incredible breakfast at Hash House A Go Go. We had been to a Hash House A Go Go before, in Florida, and it was delicious. I went for French Toast, but I only managed one slice, while Tom went for an omelette with a traditional hash brown, along with a few other bits and bobs.

It set us up for the day as we were off to visit the Hoover Dam and the Grand Canyon that day. From Vegas, the Hoover Dam is less than an hour away, while the Grand Canyon is about 2 hours through very quiet country roads. I wrote an entire blog post all about our time at the Grand Canyon, so you can read all about that here, if you want to find out more!

By the time we finished up at the Grand Canyon, it was about 4pm, so we had been there, pretty much, all day - how could you NOT be there all day? So it was time to head back to Vegas, by which time is was about 6pm and we were hungry, as we hadn't eaten since breakie. So we went back to the hotel, got changed and then went back out again to experience the nightlife of Vegas.

We went to Hard Rock Cafe for a spot of dinner. Tom went for a cheese burger whereas I had a chicken sandwich. Each one came with chips but we also shared a size of onion rings, but there were loads of them! I would say you need about three people, at least, to be able to eat the whole thing, because we ended up leaving some, haha!

After we had some dinner, I went and bought a glass from the gift shop, because I like to collect, at least something, from every Hard Rock Cafe we go to. But I really wanted to visit the rooftop bar at the Las Vegas Brewdog. 

I also wanted to get a postcard from there as well, so I was happy when they still had some there - all the better because they were free as well! We had a couple of drinks there before heading off back to our hotel (we stayed at Caesar's Palace, in case you were wondering) for the night, but not before enjoying some of the bustling nightlife and watching the fountains at the Bellagio hotel for one last time before heading to LA the next day.

Day three: Visiting the Las Vegas sign & heading to LA

The last day in Vegas was pretty uneventful. It involved us just checking out of the hotel and driving up and back down the Vegas Strip so that we could stop and have a look at the Vegas sign, which is what we should have seen on the way in, but the sat nav took us another way around. 

We stopped briefly for some pics, but then we quickly got back on the road to make our way to LA, the last leg of our honeymoon road trip. Keep an eye out for some LA-related content very soon, including Universal Studios, Hollywood! But if you can't wait that long, take a look at our roundup of our trip to Disneyland :)


I hope you enjoyed this blog post? Let me know in the comments if you've ever been to Las Vegas before or if you're planning to go any time soon and I will see you again with some brand new content shortly. Keep checking back for more!






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