Everything I Use for an At-Home Pedicure with a Professional Finish

We all know how much it can cost for a professional pedicure at the nail salon. Granted, they have way more skill and precision than I do, but to save some money, I will almost always look after my foot care myself, unless I'm going on holiday to somewhere hot. 

Foregoing the nail polish, which you can add at the end of your foot care if you want to, here's everything I use at home to leave my feet feeling and looking as though I've just paid a visit to the salon! If you're wanting to get any of the equipment I've mentioned, then Amazon is your best bet, that's where I got many of these tools from, aside from the Heel Genius!

Nail clippers

The first thing I do when I go to carry out my foot care is I clip my toe nails. I use a smaller one because I feel as though they're best for the smaller nails. It also allows be to get to the harder-to-reach areas and it also means that I'm less likely to catch my skin along the way. 

Cuticle cutters

These are amazing for cutting cuticles and any skin that might have developed and hardened around the nail bed. They're exceptionally sharp and can be used to clip off almost anything from the feet and toes, mainly hard skin or where skin has peeled slightly. Make sure, however, that you're washing your cuticle cutters after every use. 

Cuticle pushers

These do the job that cuticle clippers cannot. When you have skin that develops on top of the toe nail, you can use the pusher to scrape off the skin that might have appeared near the nail bed. It's just a really effective way of making sure that nothing but nail is visible on top of the nail bed. 

Nail file

I will use the file to shape the toe nails. I usually go for a square shape, but I have been known to round off the corners to make the look a little softer, or if I'm not planning on painting my toe nails. It also blunts them slightly so that they don't catch on socks, but it also means that I won't accidentally scratch myself, despite keeping them short.

Foot file

I don't do this every single time I do my nails and foot care, mainly because your skin is sensitive and cannot withstand that level of foot filing on a daily basis. I only really do this when the skin hardens or becomes slightly flaky. 

This takes the skin right off, making them silky-smooth again. One side files the foot and the other side smooths it all off. It's a really sturdy foot file. i find some are bendy, whereas this one isn't, being wooden. It works just as well on dry feet as it does on wet feet, so the timing doesn't really matter.

Soap & Glory Heel Genius foot cream

To finish it all off, whether I've filed the feet or not, I will finish it off with the Soap & Glory Heel Genus foot cream. Before that, though, I will wash the feet to get rid of any nail filing or foot filing residue. I have a dedicated towel that I use for foot care only, so I use that to wipe the feet dry and debris-free before applying the foot cream. 

You might be wondering what I do after application, seeing as the feet will then become sticky. Once I've applied the foot cream, I will chuck on a pair of clean cotton socks and wear those overnight. The next day, I'm left with silky smooth feet that, when looked at by those who aren't in the know, look as though they've been filed to perfection by a pro!


I hope you enjoyed this blog post? Let me know in the comments what you like to use at home for a professional pedicure finish and I will see you again very soon with some brand new content for you!






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